Sunday, April 1, 2018

03/31/18 Pupdate

It’s been a busy day here today.  The pupsters had a visit with their Aunt Colleen and Uncle Jeremy (he did manage to touch each of the puppies but he is more comfortable with the older dogs.  That suited Nanny McPhoebe and Grammie Sammie fine.  Grammie Sammie does want me to clarify that he is HER Jeremy).
The pictures should be on the Allyn Jack&Caly Litter facebook page soon.  Some poses were so cute that we took them on iffen to text to the other Auntie’s and I posted a few of them tonight.
It was a really pretty day so we had the doors open to let some Spring air blow through the room.  I don’t think the puppies noticed but I did and it was lovely.
I made more formula this morning, I can’t help myself.  But these puppies are cooperative and willing to have a couple of snacks each day.  GS wanted more than his first serving and still wasn’t done when we gave him a little more.  He claimed he was still starving after he guzzled that down but then he went to sleep with his siblings.
They are already attempting to breach the defenses of the ferret ex pen.  So far, none of them have made it over but I’m not sure how long we’ll have before one does.
This was another of those days where I stayed busy and didn’t make notes.  But I did get lots of puppy breath and snuggles and a little bit of them latching on to my fingers.  I think some of them are starting to work on their teeth.  I don’t feel any poking through yet but I figure that’s next on their agenda.  Maybe they’ll concentrate on that instead of going over the wall.  Puppy breath to all.

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