Saturday, April 28, 2018

04/28/18 Pupdate

Against all odds, the puppies have become even more adorable.  They had a nice quiet night and I fed them breakfast early because the MSU was up early.  At least it was daylight or we woudn’t have gotten up. Everybody made it outside - off of the deck even - to poop.  They played for a few minutes and then I brought everyone back in side and we all went back to sleep until mid morning.
It was sunny and very windy so we played outside until after lunch.  They are staying awake and active for longer periods of time.  I know I type this frequently but it is amazing how fast they develop.  They are playing with all kinds of toys (but still find dry leaves quite the prize).  
I bought a little more time with the adventure box by putting it in the gate section of the railing so they can only pull it apart in half of the directions.  The pool full of balls is of more interest to Nanny McPhoebe than the puppies (the balls specifically interest her, not running through them.  They go through it but they don’t seem to notice or care.  Maybe I should put a few leaves in it ;-) 
I put the cat tunnel back in the pen with them and they seem to have missed it.  A lot.  I keep putting in the noisy toys but no one seems at mind judging by the fact that they sleep on the buttons that light up and play really loud noises.  If it bothers me (and it does sometimes), I have to dig it out from under at least one sleeping puppy.
There’s a BIG day planned for tomorrow so we are going to say Nighty nighty nighty, Puppy breath to all

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