Sunday, April 15, 2018

April 15, 2018 Pupdate

The unduplicated census after 4 weeks has a name on it! Hopefully, we’ll add a lot more soon but they have 4 weeks and we’ve never failed to meet our quota ;-)
The pupsters had a good night but the MaterGator has been nursing them while she stands AND puking for them.  Apparently, she doesn’t find the rice cereal in formula ot be complete nutrition for them.  Nanny McPhoebe agreed with her this am but I don’t THINK SDB hurled for them again.  It’s hard to tell at times though.
But this afternoon, they had their first real food!  As usual, the first real meal is ground beef soaked in goat milk and, lucky me, I get to start it off from my fingers.  A couple of puppies skipped that step and went right into the dish which worked for me.  They woke up before I got to them.  (It’s slightly less chaotic if at least part of the puppies are sleeping when this starts, especially with a large litter)
It wasn’t quite as messy as it has been at times with other litters but they’ve already had some messy adventures with the formula and rice cereal.    Uncle Trek came to see them today and help clean them up after the feeding frenzy.  He absolutely loves puppies and was as interested in cleaning their back ends as licking the food off.  Their Mama was the only one not so terribly interested in their food but she did come in and top them off for quite a while after they ate.  They’ve had 2 meals so far and the MaterGator hasn’t puked for them since!  Win all around!  And Colleen took and posted some pictures on the facebook page, too.
Pottying continues to go well with a couple of minor mishaps.  One puppy stood in the pan and pooped outside it and several of them drag the paper towels off to play with them.  Another sign they are real PWDs ;-)
This evening, the MSU and I were talking while the puppies slept and then a couple woke up to go potty.  I talked to them and that apparently woke ALL of them up and they came scurrying over to see what I was doing/saying.  Have I mentioned that they are adorable?  It bears repeating ;-)
I think I’m going to try to get some sleep before it’s time to feed the babies again. Tomorrow, I’ll start attempting to adjust their schedule to maximize a night’s rest.  Puppy Breath to all, Nighty Nighty Nighty!

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