Monday, April 16, 2018

April 16, 2017 Pupdate

The day started off nicely enough.  The puppies slept most of the night so I began to fantasize about sleeping for several hours at a stretch and not serving breakfast until well after daylight. (I prefer the puppies not think they need to rise with the sun, it’s been my experience that it’s easier for most people to switch puppies over to rising early - by feeding them breakfast early- than it is to teach them to sleep later once they get used to eating breakfast at daylight). 
We had a leisurely morning with some cuddling and napping and I prepped breakfast and some of the staples for the rest of the meals for the day.  They ate breakfast well but when I put the thin oatmeal milk in as a chaser, they came through the dish (full of the sticky liquid) to see me.  It was cute but oh so messy.  I sang what I could recall of my sister’s Messmaker song to them and called her to find out the rest of the lyrics (turns out, there aren’t more)
Eventually, they settled down and everyone dropped off to sleep.  I gave them a little longer and began to transfer the sleeping puppies into the pool with the ferret ex pen. And shortly after I transferred the last sleeping puppy in there, they suddenly were NOT sleeping.  9 puppies were out of the pool and not being contained by the little fencing (I assumed they’d come out of the pool on that side and most of them did but it didn’t take them long to figure out they could go out the other side and be FREE!  
Suffice it to say Pandemonium ensued.  I alternated between trying to put the puppies back into the pool and get their milky/oatmealy linens out of the pen area; clean the floor and put clean linens in the pen.  The puppies alternated between breaching the defenses, following me, chasing big dogs and voicing their displeasure at me putting them back into the pool/fence.  It was quite the adventure.  I’m sure it would have been hilarious to watch if I hadn’t been trying so desperately to keep track of everyone.  Nanny McPhoebe tried to play with the escapees but Grammie Sammie told her that wasn’t appropriate so she stopped bouncing around them.  
I fairly quickly called it close enough for government work and put them back into the real pen.  But they wanted ME to cuddle and play before they’d settle down so I stayed in with them until the Aunties came.  They’d texted during the melee and when I didn’t answer, called since they were shopping for me before their visit.  Cindi noticed the vociferous puppies in the background and me sounding breathless and harried because I couldn’t keep track of puppies; clean AND talk on the phone. I believe I told her to just buy me whatever else they wanted.  2 puppies were still awake and wanting to be held when they arrived, carried in the provisions, washed up and greeted the big dogs so I handed those 2 over to them and considered taking up drinking.
At some point, I had some things I wanted us to do but I could no longer remember any of them so I ate some cereal and rested for a little while. The puppies all napped but I was to wired to sleep after all of that so eventually carried some of their stuff in from the deck.
After the puppies napped and then eaten another meal, Cindi and LeAnne corralled the puppies while I improved the defenses.  They now have quite the little set up complete with a crate (2 of the 3 doors removed); a play area; a sleeping area and an en suite toilet facility.
I accomplished nothing else after that  but all 12 PWDs are still alive, fed, and sufficiently loved on so I’m calling it a day.  I’ll nap until they eat a late meal that allows us all to sleep until after daylight (I hope but it should work out)
They DO still have a pooping only in the potty area record going but aren’t quite as accurate with the pee.  In their defense, they get the pee there a lot but they also pee a lot more often than poop.
And on that positive note, I’m going to say Nighty Nighty Nighty.  Puppy breath to all!

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