Friday, April 13, 2018

April 13, 2018 4 weeks old!

A big day for the 9 cutest little PWDs around today!  MIlestones were acheived - they were no longer willing to be contained by the ferret ex pen so instead of taking them on a car ride with Aunt Cindi and Aunt LeAnne, the sleeping puppies were corralled in the middle of the floor while I changed out their ‘walls’. They have 4 panels of the tall ‘fancy’ ex pen (a door on each side) and the 24 inch one with the walk through door.  I’m waiting for tomorrow to change them back to the washing machine pan potty pan (it has the higher lip but I’m pretty sure they can do it just fine now) but not for any real reason.  Just a little more continuity for them.  
The new arrangement is larger so they have room for more toys but I can’t lie with my arm in the pen as easily now.  Nor can I recall exactly where the best location for the ottobenbed is.  Fortunately, it’s on wheels so not too difficult to try in different placed.
They have ANOTHER day on their pooping only in the potty area record.  I’d have to check to find out exactly  how many days but I know it’s at least a week tomorrow and I’m fairly certain it’s more than that.  They do pretty well with the peeing, too but not quite as perfect.
They are seriously playing with toys and and each other now, in addition to the humans and the big girls.  And the Totofit equipment is just another thing to go over/through.  The activity box is on the agenda now.
The unduplicated census of people to meet starts at 0 today.  We need to get started meeting new people and kids very soon.
The big girls took a short jaunt to the pond while Aunt Cindi sat with the puppies this afternoon.  That’s where their car ride was supposed to go - up the driveway.  They’re little, that would count as a ways but alas it was postponed.  They were VERY happy to get to swim and it was beautiful weather for it.  That was followed by very thorough showers before coming back in to the puppies.
The last big thing today is: TEETH!  They are each getting tiny little pointed teeth poking through their gums!  I predict puking by the big girls before the weekend is over and that means - feeding frenzy time.  I’ve laid in the supplies so we’re ready when they are!  At least for the feeding them.  I’m not certain anyone is ever ready for the onslaught of their little needle teeth.  But I’m actually looking forward to that, too.  If only because we’ll get a few more hours sleep at a stretch when they aren’t just nursing.
We held a weight watchers meeting today since we could and the puppies are growing, growing, growing.  There are several 3 pounders and the others are closing in on it.  Caly’s doing a good job.
We have a visit from Aunt Colleen, Uncle Jeremy and depending on who they’ve been fraternizing with, maybe Uncles Armada and Trek tomorrow.  Not new people but new pictures should be taken.
So we’re going to wind up this Friday the 13th with puppy breath to all.  Nighty, nighty, nighty

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