Wednesday, April 25, 2018

04/24/18 Pupdate

We had all kinds of fun today.  I woke up at 6:30 but Caly came to cuddle so I didn’t get up until the alarm to feed the puppies sounded at 7.  They ate breakfast pretty well once everyone woke up.  I had some last minute cleaning to do before their visitors arrived so I stayed up this morning.
Aunt LeAnne came to visit and help wrangle puppies while I cleaned their pen.  It was rainy and not very warm so we took them on the porch/deck instead of the dog yard deck.  They ran around like crazy pups and enjoyed their first experience in the rain.  We worried about them being cold so we had the raised bed, a big piece of their fleece, a fleecy bed and lots of blankets - most of whice they eschewed in favor of running around/lying on the deck.  As they went to sleep, LeAnne moved them on the warm stuff and covered them up.  If they were asleep enough, they stayed but at least one kept moving back off.    I cleaned as quickly as I could and as soon as their floor dried, I quickly put their stuff down.  They were sound asleep when I went out there to wash off the toy tub (it was hamster wheeled through poop) but a couple of them woke up to help me so I brought everyone back inside.  They pottied and interacted for a few minutes and then went back to sleep.
We met 2 brand new people - one of whom is a very tall man (but currently no facial hair).  They arrived at the puppies lunch time but they puppies were just waking up (their schedule was a little off since they insisted on playing in the rain) so we delayed lunch a few minutes while they cuddled in the pen with them.  I had the visitors serve lunch and everyone ate from the dishes.
I did my best to stay away from the pen and stay quiet but one puppy did keep track of where I was and occasionally come over to see if I’d interact but she’d go back to play with them if I didn’t acknowledge her. 
I got plenty of puppy cuddles after the company left and when they went back to sleep, we held a weight watcher’s meeting.  I think LeAnne is doing a fun with numbers post on the results but it’s apparent that they are doing well enough with the eating thing.
Puppies have finally started sleeping in the toy tub, some of them still want it to be a vehicle but that’s more difficult with another puppy or two in it. There’s not much cuter than puppies sleeping in it though.
Tomorrow I get to figure out how to get squirty cheese off of the ceiling.  There was an incident as the company was arriving and I was crating some  of the big girls for the initial greeting and managed to get it to spray the side of my head, the curtain over the shelves and the ceiling.. We wiped it out of my hair before they got to the door but the other part is still waiting for me.  Maybe I could just let a dog climb the ladder and lick it off of the ceiling.  I could probably hold a puppy up there from a shorter ladder.  But for now, I’m going to feed and cuddle puppies and sniff a little puppy breath.  Nighty, nighty, nighty

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