Monday, April 9, 2018

4/9/18 Pupdate

The puppies have seen snow!  It didn’t last and I didn’t put them down so I’m not really going to count it as an event but we did have it this morning.
No teeth just yet but they are doing more and more practicing for when they come through the gums. They mostly chew on each other or me, their mama a little bit and are starting on the toys.  The toys are more for climbing and wallering so far (their Daddy had a lot of Portuguese Waller Dog in him, their Mama has a lot of cat in her) but they were mouthing select areas of them tonight.  Not in a testing it out as a possible source for milk mouthing, real biting.  It’s adorable but not much they do isn’t.  The Vtech piano is used as a pillow or jungle gym.  I’m not sure how they can sleep on it while it makes all of that racket but they do.
Judging by their antics while they eat these days, I think they are practicing in case they need to become circus dogs later.  They COULD nurse while MaterGator sits up but she hasn’t worked out the most comfortable position for that just yet.  Soon she’ll just top them of while she stands there but for now, she lies down with them.
I spent much of today on the puppy schedule, I took lots of naps today.  I’m pretty far behind on the sleep so it was nice to just keep going back to sleep when neither the big dogs nor puppies were eating.
And we have ANOTHER full day free from pooping outside of the designated area.  They are definitely actively seeking out the other area for pooping and mostly for peeing as well.   This amazes and pleases me to no end.  If the mama isn’t going to do the cleaning (and none of them have done as thorough a job as Jill and SDB), this is the next best thing.  If only they could EAT so i could reward them for the decision.  Soon, little ones, soon.  And since I’m going on and on about poop again, it’s probably time to say Nighty, Nighty Nighty.  Puppy breath to all.

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