Monday, April 2, 2018

April 2, 2018 Pupdate

I wouldn’t have thought it possible but the puppies are even cuter today than they were yesterday.
They are already well trained (or spoiled depending on your point of view, I guess).  They come hurrying over to me every time I get in the vicinty (hand, face, foot).  They also try to suck on anything they can but they are PWD puppies so they NEED something in their mouths.  If they aren’t starving, they will cuddle up and go back to sleep while being held.  We’ll keep working on that because it is a valuable skill.
The Aunties came to visit today and the puppies were very well behaved.  For example, there was no poopapalooza.  They trimmed toenails because it’s always good to let someone else handle their feet.  And when Aunt Cindi was holding a puppy (and said puppy was sucking/mouthing on her hands), I leaned over to give the puppy kisses and she immediately stopped mouthing Cindi and nuzzled me.  They also open their mouths when anyone rubs their cheek so one can easily get a little hit of puppy breath (or give them probiotics a couple of times a day but the puppy breath version happens a lot more often).
We didn’t have a weight watchers meeting because the MaterGator decided to feed the puppies until it was time for them to leave.  I was wildly unsuccessful doing it alone this evening but I am trying not to obsess since they are definitely growing.
They appear to be starting to play together sometimes.  I’m not sure that’s what happening but it sure seems to be.  They are interacting beyond just puppy surfing jockeying for position at the bar and they aren’t just trying to nurse on each other.  It won’t be long until they are wrestling all over the place.  Of course, that will probably involve needle teeth.
Yesterday’s puppy synced up with the others but GS (Great Scott) is on his own schedule so I am entertaining him.  He’s doing a lot of mouthing but I don’t feel teeth coming through anywhere.   Yet ;-)
I wonder what tomorrow will bring.  Whatever happens, I bet they are cute as can be.  Puppy breath to all.  Nighty, Nighty, Nighty

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