Thursday, April 12, 2018

04/11/18 Pupdate

Another successful day being a puppies is in the books.  Other than having to get up in the middle of the night to eat, they have a pretty cushy life.  Well, they also get moved around when I need to redecorate their ‘room’ and sometimes they find that annoying.  Especially when Mater Gator or one of the other girls comes by and teases them but the mean humans make them stay in the pool.  They seem to be pretty forgiving of us though (as soon as we quit thwarting their will) judging by the kisses and nuzzles they give.
They are really working on getting those teeth through - at least when they are awake.  Very rarely do they try to nurse on us, but they do put our fingers in the back of their mouth and gum , gum, gum.  They also gum on each other and on the big dogs when they can catch one.  MaterGators face and ears are prime targets as are her feet and flag but feet and flags are common targets on all of the big girls.  So are my bare toes.  Fortunately, right now it’s just a little ticklish.
Another new thing, they play in the blanket hanging over the ex pen.  It’s apparently quite fun to grab at it or go behind it and try to grab it from that side.  
Aunt LeAnne and Caly’s human Grandma came to visit today.  They got to witness the puppies working on mastering that lapping up food thing.  Then they helped contain the horde while I finished changing out the linens.  Before they left, we held a weight watchers meeting.  The average weight gain since the last meeting was held is 2/3 of a lb.  2 puppies are over 3 lbs (Pink Tart and Great Scott) and Red Velvet Cupcake is within spitting distance at 2 lbs 15.3 oz.  
Nanny McPhoebe has decided to help with the enrichment items.  This morning one of them was attempting to chew on a water bottle that she had put in the pen,  This evening, she gave them the piece of pool noodle she’s been carrying around.  It’ll be interesting to see what she brings to them next but they ARE playing with the noodle (even though it is larger than they are) so I guess she made a good choice ;-)

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