Wednesday, April 4, 2018

4/3/18 Pupdate

Happy Birthday to the puppies’ human Nana and great Aunt Marolyn!  The pupsters woke up to sing to their Nana, they don’t really know the words or the tune but with 9 of them, it’s loud ;-)
I didn’t take notes today so I’ll have to go from memory.  Considering that I have no concept of time, that may be a stretch.
Things I DO recall, somehow the babies managed to get even cuter.  They are more and more coordinated all of the time. And cuter and cuter, too.
Since puppy yoga is done, it’s time to create new adventures for the wee ones.  Today, that involved taking a puppy with me when I did really interesting things like go to the bathroom or do laundry.  When I need 2 hands, I’ve been putting the puppy in a sling.  Some puppies were adamant that they are not marsupials but I think it depended more on whether they were tired or not.  It’s awfully nice to have a warm puppy snuggled up.
It was warm enough to have the doors open today and I also carried puppies outside as I did various things.  (I didn’t put them down)
Weight watchers was a bust again tonight.  I’m starting to think I need a scale that has a sling, I wonder if anyone makes a talking or brailled version of an angler scale...
I DID manage to update the sidebar of the blog with the latest cast of characters and a link to the pictures on the facebook page.  It requires using a laptop and I MUCH prefer the screen reader on my ipad.  Between that and attempting to get GoogleVoice to let me personalize my voicemail greeting (spoiler alert, I was unsuccessful so far.  I press the key it claims will work but she just ignores it), I didn’t get an afternoon nap (I sleep in up to 3 hour increments, it’s actually more of a split shift than a real nap).
The pupsters are using their paws to bat at me and each other, I cannot believe how fast their little nails grow. I may try filing them again tomorrow.  They’ve been mouthing at each other and one of them played with Caly’s foot after finishing eating this evening.  She’s doing a lot better cleaning them up but she still doesn’t clean it up if she didn’t make it happen.  I think I have placed the potty pan pretty strategically because the puppies manage to use it a fair amount.  We had 2 semi -accidents: one puppy got all 4 feet in the pan and pooped over the side and another only got the front 2 feet in it.  At this stage of the game, any success is strategic placement, quick action (if I realize a puppy is about to potty elsewhere, I move it into the pan), and luck.  I think SDB is shaking her head about some of Caly’s mothering choices but I understand that’s par for the course ;-)
Caly gets squirty cheese for lying down quickly when she gets into the pen.  I hold the puppy horde back until she gets in and lies down so that neither of us needs to worry about a puppy underneath her.  If she remains sitting too long, then likely as not, someone has squirmed in underneath her and she has to maintain an awkward position once she does lie down.  If I pull said puppy out from underneath her, she gets up and we have to try again.  So speedy downs are rewarded with squirty cheese and everyone is happy (thank goodness we train them).  However, squirty cheese means GrammieSammie and Nanny McPhoebe want in on the action.  As they are vulturing over the little ex pen waiting for an occasional lick, puppies will often attempt to interact with them especially if they have finished eating.  GrammieSammie will lick faces but Nanny McPhoebe’s been going full puppy cleanup.  I don’t want to tell her not to do that because if we ever breed her, I’d like her to be more like her grand damJillyBean and Aunt Doodlebug in that department.  But it means that I don’t want kisses from 2 out of the 3 big girls.
There’s a storm moving in, I can hear the thunder in the distance.  This might be their first storm, at least with their senses somewhat intact.  As long as the power and cable (internet) don’t go out, it’ll be good for all of us.  If the power goes out, we’ll have to start the generator.  If the cable goes out again, I’ll be incommunicado so I’d better get this posted and go cuddle some puppies.  It’s a rough job ;-). Puppy breath to all. Nighty, nighty, nighty

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