Saturday, April 7, 2018

4/6/18 3 Weeks old!

               The wee ones are not so wee as they were. They recognize people (especially me), the big dogs and they are REALLY into the piano toy that we’ve used with every litter (their Mama’s Mama’s Daddy sent it to them with the help of his humans). Other than the microphone cord being chewed in 2 years ago ( I haven’t put the microphone in with them), it still works really well.  I think this litter has hit the right buttons to make it play the William Tell Overture more today than most of the others did the whole time.
They are starting to really gnaw on fingers and each other (in the few minutes at a time they are awake) but I don’t feel any teeth yet.
They come towards an open hand especially if it has fingers gesturing them to come.  I added the PupPupPuppy call to that today and got Nanny McPhoebe even faster than puppies ;-). They’ll eventually give her a run for her money (and she’ll probably ignore it a little more as she realizes that it’s for them). They still have a pretty natural chin rest in my hand so when they start eating, that’s one of the things I will reward (with food, not just the affection they get for it now.)
Toys and sibling are quite entertaining but they have fairly short spans of consciousness and a lot of that is consumed with eating, followed (sometimes interrupted by) the need to potty.  They continue to do pretty well with the potty area, better with poop than pee.  And we still get the occasional feet on, potty off the right area.
Auntie LeAnne  came by today and brought Laurie to visit with the puppies.  (I don’t know it that’s the correct spelling and LeAnne is likely in bed by now so I can’t find out tonight so if it’s wrong, I’ll get it correct when she visits the next time.)
Aunt Colleen is supposed to come tomorrow (and brave the potential snow) to do their 3 week old photoshoot.  I have the props all ready, I hope it goes well.
I’ve been singing to the 3 songs to them as I’m putting them to sleep.  I guess they can also hear me when I sing them to the girls each night as well but I’m not certain they are awake enough to notice.  RIght now, they still do more nighty nighty nappy than nighty nighty nighty.  It’ll start sinking in though, it always has.
In a week, we start the NEW list of people to meet.  We’ll have to start contacting everybody we know with children again and try to schedule visits.    And we also need to find large men with facial hair.  Hats never seem to be scary here, probably because they usually mean we are going out to play.
It’s cooling off, I guess it’ll have to if it is going to snow but I still have a door open. My head says that a front is definitely moving in so I need to try to maximize my sleep time tonight to cut down on the headache turning into something more.  I’m still in the ‘good’ time for Botox thankfully so it shouldn’t get too bad.
I think I’ll get the puppies ready for nighty nighty nighty.  I can’t leave the toys in the pen at night because I have to wake up too much to tell puppies from toys.   And I DEFINITELY want to turn the piano OFF.  Puppy breath to all!

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