The puppies did get to enjoy their first thunderstorm last night but it didn’t amount to much. The first clap of thunder, Grammie Sammie barked at it, which set off the younger girls so I grabbed the squirty cheese (it’s a good treat for them to lick and keeps hands clean ad slobber free) and we watched for lightning and when the thunder followed, she got a little cheese. We did that for a few and she stopped entirely (but we did have a few where she turned her head to wait for her cheese, she’s not stupid). I don’t think the puppies were even aware of the storm which is just how I want them to continue reacting.
I ended up staying awake until after their 4 am feeding so after I got the big dogs’ breakfast, supervised the puppy breakfast, very quickly bathed, got the MSU off to work and did dishes; I slept for an hour or so beside the quiet puppies. I woke up before they did ;-). And then I cleaned, cuddled, supervised, etc.
They don’t stay awake for very long at a stretch but they are really cute whether they are awake or asleep. Awake, they are really beginning to interact with the world and each other, and they don’t have any little needle teeth yet. They mouth me, their mama’s feet, and are starting to do each other. I think we had our first, extremely abbreviated game of bitey mouth this afternoon.
We had visitors today: my mother, Paul, step brother and nephew came to see the puppies. Shawn (nephew) was happier this time than last time he visited puppies because they don’t have those needle teeth yet. Everyone held every puppy at least once (the rotation came ot a halt when CalyGator decided that she was going to feed them. She didn’t do it for long but it wasn’t really time either. Mostly the puppies were very good to go back to sleep whie being held, it’s all of that training ;-)
The rest of the evening has been sleeping and eating and stretching and yawning for al of us. I rearranged the pen a little before the company arrived and changed out the potty pan. This one is smaller but the edge is lower than the pan for a washing machine so they shouldn’t have as much trouble. They’ve used is several times today but I still forgot to put the alfalfa pellets in it. Maybe I’ll remember it tomorrow.
Still haven’t managed to hold a successful weight watcher’s meeting, I should’ve tried it while they were here. I DID manage to get my voicemail recorded, not on the phone but on my ipad. Turns out the big trick is using the correct email login. ;-)
I did do toenails again, not that anyone could tell it. Those suckers are sharp. Hair continues to grow as well, I bet they’ll be adorable in their little lion rears in a few weeks.
The weather today wasn’t nearly as nice as yesterday so we didn’t include outside in our carries (they aren’t going for walks yet, just carries).
I think Caly is considering feeding the puppies so I’m going to assist with that. Puppy breath to all, Nighty Nighty, Nighty
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