Saturday, April 14, 2018

April 14, 2018 Pupdate

The puppies adjusted to their new digs a lot easier than I did.  They slept as soundly as ever, I kept waking to check on them ;-). I don’t think I disturbed them much, they seemed to wake refreshed the rest of the of the time.
The beautiful weather held through the day so when I wasn’t busy playing with the puppies, I re-sanitized all of their outdoor stuff since the coyote (and other creatures) had access to it.  Now only slithery things (I don’t think the snakes and skenks are out yet though), flying things, and bugs have access and I’m not so worried about what diseases they may have being transferred to puppies.
Before it got too hot and dusty,  the puppies got to hear the tractor go by over and over as the MSU cut the grass.  They didn’t seem too concerned, which is just as well because Aunt Colleen was here and we did the 4 week photoshoot.  I think the pictures should be on the facebook page tomorrow.
They are working on their startle reflexes though it requires things a lot closer than the tractor outside.  Another stage of development!  They are starting to figure out space, too but not terribly consistently.
The puppies are working hard on those teef.  And apparently the Mama and her Mama think they are doing a fine job because they decided it was time that the puppies start eating ‘solid’ food. I  didn’t let them eat the remains of MaterGator’s chicken quarter but they did get some of Grammie’s Sammie’s 2nd lunch.   I’ll take over from there ;-) Puppy breath to all! Nighty, Nighty, Nighty!

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