Sunday, May 29, 2016

May 29, 2016 Pupdate

I was up early again with all of hte babies for hte last time today.  My little brown girl went home with her new people: her sire's owners.  She seems to have settled in pretty well once they fnished the long drive home.

Packed everything up and headed back to WV with the remaning 5.  They seemed happy to be here - but they seem pretty happy wherever they go.  I am certainly happy to be here as well.  Have the puppy pen set up again - this time with the high ex pen since I don't want them coming over the wall.  I put a tote on top of the crate, too.  It's not a low crate but I still don't need them on top of it.

I set up their nighty night crates in the pool room and in a little bit, I'm going to take them outside for last call and them put them to bed in a row.

I'm tired from the packing and unpacking and riding for hours (and from crying about my little brown girly leaving) so I'm cutting this short for today.

Nighty nighty nighty, puppy breath to all

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