Friday, May 20, 2016

May 19,2016 Pupdate

Good morning good morning the little dogs say!  We had a pretty good night.  After I took my medicine at 11;45. I took them outside to potty and back into the nighty night section of the pen for a midnight snack.  We all were asleep by 1 - they were asleep before I was but it didn't take them too long.

MamaMila woke all of us up a little after letting us know that it was indeed daylight.   A couple of the puppies couldn't wait until I got them outside so they used the potty area but told me they'd like ot get OUTSIDE if I could just HURRY UP!!!  At least nobody went in the floor.

The Mama came outside with us this morning to feed them.  It was still a little chilly but it FINALLY didn't rain so they ran around and pottied and then when Tamara came outside, I went to the bathrroom.  3 of them went with me in true PWD fashion ;-) although one of them was tugging on my pantlegs which was rather disconcerting.  I dstracted them with a Duttadah (the cardboard spindle form a toilet paper roll).  Again, in true PWD fashion, they recongized the value of THAT item immediately. Afte rthat I got their breakfast ready and we served it out in the grass.  They have gotten quite good at the eating thing ;-)

It was still a little chilly so we brought them back inside for the morning siesta.  Then we had our first full blown vet visit.  THey all got checked out (including temperatures the hard way) and microchipped.  They weren't too enamoured of the temperature taking but they were quite em=namoured of the squirty cheese so all was fine.  Only one acknowledged the microchip (of course it was one of the boys) and he barely queaked (but he didn't stp eating the cheese.). It took 2 tries for her on one of the boys but both testicles have been verified by more than just me now ;-). The vet left with parting gifts of 2 ticks in tape (in case they need to be sent anywhere) and a ziploc bag of puppy poop.  Do we know how to treat guests or what? Not the normal southern hositality but things are different when we have puppies.

During her visit, one of the puppies was fussing to go outside but we were occupied with a puppy on the table so she had to use the potty pan.  After she left, we took them all outside for a little pottying and playing (started with just one as the others were sleeping but they all awoke and wanted to go.). It's much warmer and the sun came out part of the time - if the wind would just stop blowing, it'd be great.

We put the balls back into the pool and they really enjoyed that.  I kept attempting to gather them and put them back in the pool but they'd promptly send them flying again so I'll worry about theat when the puppies aren't outside/awake.  Back to sleep for them by 10, this time under the kiddie picnic table and my chair.  I think I am going to put them in the playhouse so I can go change out their linens or send one of the big dogs out here to protect them.  There are hawks around and while the puppies are probably too big for them to get, I don't want any test punctures as they try.  

And then the day got hectic.  We shaved 2 puppy butts before Tamara had to go to Parkersburg to meet RT to pick up Fergie.  The puppies slept some and played some and it was nice outside so I even got a little sun.  At one point, I tried to put them into the playhouse, go inside to check on the big dogs and get something to eat but they opened the door and came back out so that didn't happen then.  I sent GrammieSammie out with them and she kept protected them from any predators.

After Tamara and Fergie (Fergie is Mila's housemate) got back, we brought the puppies and bg dogs inside so they could go to the pond and get a little exercise.  I took a little rest while that happened and then we shave the rest of the puppy butts. 

After I fed the big dogs, I gave the puppies REAL showers in the dog shower.  Not just baths in the laundry sink but real live showers like big dogs.  I still sang to them and I held the one just bathed wrapped in a towel in my lap while I bathed the next one.  As usual with puppies, I ended up almost as wet as they were.  So after we got them settled in, I took the monitor upstairs and listened to them for alone time.

Then we went outside for more potties and MamaMila fed them.  They've been sleeping since.  The cable is out so apparently this isn't going to post until tomorrow so I'm givign up and we're going to bed. Daylight comes pretty early these days and  I need to get some sleep.  Puppy breath to all!  Nighty nighty nighty 

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