The pupsters had a good quiet nighty last night. I took them out for last potty after I gave them each a bite of snack and most of them pooped and all peed. I love that they aren't any different out in the dark (there are lights but it's still not all that bright out there.
And they slept quietly until 6:15 - full daylight. They only woke up because MamaMila heard someone in the kitchen (pretty sure it was the MSU) so she came over to tell me about it which means her tail wags against the pen/crate and winds them all up.
They are so very good at coming out the crate door and running across the floor and outside. Nobody has had a pottying accident either direction and that's pretty good for puppies going out first thing in the am. I love their little stampede. Tamara tried to video it coming back in after lunch but the Mama got a little distracted on the way into the pen and we had to wrangle puppies. Note to self: wait to give them ANY of the probiotic paste until we get back into the pen area. I gave them some after lunch because of the wormer (we've mostly switched over to the powder). One more day of that stuff - at least they like it.
My goodness do they like it, they caught on very quicly that I had good stuff on the paper plate and were clamoring for a turn. I started with me picking up a puppy and feeding (it makes it easier to keep track of who gets what) and the others were milling around at my feet/legs (not all of them were sitting the whole time but I was rather distracted by making sure the one eating got all of theirs - not much a problem with most of them as they gobbled it down but one was more delicate about eating). So Tamara started picking up the next puppy and holding until their turn. A couple of the puppies were QUITE displeased with that turn of events and were flailing to get away frm her to wait for me. So, in spite of having puppy brain, I had the good sense to start feeding them while she held them. Amazing how quicky they quit fussing and waited their turn. Tomorrow, that it the plan from the beginning - good things can come to you from other people while you are being held, there is no point in pitching a hissy. I've always had good luck teaching puppies things that way - I learned from JIllyBean, their great granddam - I really really miss that bitch, especially when we have puppies. She was SO good. GrammieSammie (fka the MamaBug) is as well but since she came back from 'quarantlne' she hasn't been as involved with the puppies. Then again, she puked for them the other night so I guess she is supervising.
We held the weight watchers meeting this afternoon, we've been too tired/busy or distracted in the evenings. They were sleeping so it was pretty quick. Allium is the largest at 9.6 followed closely by Witch Hazel at 9.4. Snowdrops (always seems bigger than the others to me) is 9 and the other girls (May Apple, Trillium and Phlox) are each 8 lbs. That's 52 lbs of pure PWD puppy adorableness.
It is probably obvious that I don't do any proofing (I don't know whether to type proofreading or prooflistening so I'm shortening it to proofing) but last week, my ipad case with the keyboard broke (at the hinge theyve replaced it 3 times in the warranty period of a year) so I've been limping along. The new case came today but it is somewhat different so I'm certain I'm making different typos. But the odds of taking more time away from puppies/dogs/sleeping are slim to none. I always think I'll go back and fix them after the puppies leave but I never do so I'll not delude myself this time.I'll get used to the new keyboard - and you'll get used to the new typos ;-)
These puppies are certainly getting exposed to a lot of coughing and sneezing noises. They don't seem to notice and they NEVER say bless you. Rude little monsters ;-)
They were much more cooperative about our desire not to sit out in the rain today. They played outside when it was nice enough but they came inside for all of the naps and mosty didn't fuss about it. PLUS, they were closer to all being on the same schedule.
They play a lot of Monarch of the Mountain on the castle sandbox now. They are also pretty adamant about getting into the planters. They come out smelling minty and lemony but they are getting dirt everyhwere, too. I attempted to block their access to one of them today, we'll see how long that lasts. Or whether they just go after the other one now.
One of them got shut in the laundry room for a minute or 2 thise evening. I was trying to figure out who was fussing and why and finally counted puppies. Sure enough, one was missing so I opened the door and there she was looking for things to get into. She came right back in there a fewminutes later so she was not traumatized by the experience.
I'm going to do last call and say Nighty, ngihty, nighty. I'll try to sing the 3 songs but my voice comes and goes with this cold. Puppy breath to all
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