Wednesday, April 1, 2015

March 31, 2015 Pupdate It appears this didn't post

It appears this didn't post yesterday so I am trying again. No idea how to get it in the right order.
Good morning, good monring the little pups say. They sweetly greet anyone who turns up and it's extremely adorable. They have started popping their little heads up on the top of the ferret ex pen to say hello. Cute as that is, I try really hard not to reward it. We are working on sitting for petting and picking up. They are catching on pretty quickly with just a little scratch under their chin if they aren't already sitting. It's harder to reward quickly enough when they are all over there though.
While Dog Cindi and Debbie were here this evening, I had them wrangle puppies while I changed out their linens and added the big potty pan. I added paper and they began playing with it quite quickly like the PWDs they are. They didn't all immediately catch on to pottying in it but some did. And so far, that's been the only place they've pooped.
It's pretty warm so they are choosing to sleep off of the fleece most of the time. I rearranged it a little bit to make it easier for them.
They nurse pretty quickly these days, I suspect it won't be long before they are ready for me to start feeding them but I do plan to wait for teeth or the old bitches to hurl for them.
It was warm today but pretty windy, too. I wasn't comfortable taking them outside in that. Don't want anything scary happening to them.
I missed my nap again today so I'm going to try to do some pre-sleeping. Puppies have been doing lots of pre-sleeping again today ;-)

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