Saturday, April 25, 2015

April 25, 2015 Pupdate

It's been a very busy day. And cold and rainy which again bothered me a lot more than the puppies. We took them for their temperament evaluations so we got loaded into the van and took a car trip. There was a little fussing but they mostly quieted down when I sang the 3 songs.
They had a good time at the evauations, they got to play with new people and toys - there was a big toy dog that moved and made noises that they all loved. After they were all done with the individual evauations, we brought them back in to le them play together and then brought down a litter of Golden puppies. The Goldens are younger and there are 9 of them. They are awfully cute (but not quite as cute as our puppies.)
We played group recalls a little bit with the mass of puppies and it was understandably adorable. We fed them as a group (kibble) and there was no squabbling or otherwise ugly behavior.
Evaluations went well, all of the puppies were very stable and, big surprise, liked the people.
The puppies were good while I slept after we got back home. It was a good day to stay inside and sleep. They still needed to go outside to potty and romp a little but did most of their playing inside today.
I set up the puppy crates in the pool room for individual crating time tonight. Just to make certain it goes as smoothly as possible, I'll wait until they are pretty sleepy.
Speaking of pretty sleepy, I am so we are going to say nighty nighty, nighty to all.

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