Friday, April 3, 2015

April 3, 2015 Happy Birthday Human Nana and Aunt Marolyn

The puppies, the dogs and the humans here say HAPPY BIRTHDAY NANA! and HAPPY BIRTHDAY AUNT MAROLYN!
It was another day full of adventure for the pupsters. We had a nice big thunderstorm in the middle of the night. They were unfazed. We had another this evening and they slept right through that one, too Good for them.
Dog Cindi and Leanne came ths morning and pretty much spent the whole day. We played with puppies and let them interact with some new toys including the tunnel, then had a feeding frenzy - the old bitches threw up for them last night and we have teeth so that made it time.
After that, we put them in a crate in the van and drove them up the hill to the pond when we took the big dogs up to play. The puppies were quiet in the crate and took a little nap. Bela enjoyed her outing a lot!
I bathed the old dogs first (and made sure I got Bela very clean since she had been in the pond, including vinegaring the milk bar) and then we had a weight watcher's meeting. The main reason fo rthat was to get the worming dosage correct but it was nice to know. Vespu has surpassed Mayor Bumble, at least for now.
Then the baby dogs got baths. They were all very good for the bath and seemed to like it. I had to try to keep them from lapping the soapy water (I put diluted baby shampoo in a pan of warm water and bathed them with a washcloth.) For the rinsing, I start with flling a small drinking bucket and leave the water running after I start to pour it over them. All of these puppies were interested in the water from the faucet, including having it run over their heads.
We each held wet puppies wrapped in towels, an extremely rough job but someone had to do it so we took one
After their evening meal, we were watching them (bug surprise I know) and one by one thety made a concerted effort to go potty in the potty area. For poopng, they have a definite potty dance. They make the rounds of the whole area and would go out but then turn around and go back in again. I could easily take them outside in that time (if it weren't pouring the rain and we had been out in the grass part of the yard. So far, we've only been on the deck so we'll work up to outside pottiying.
It seems like a bigger day than what I've typed. The puppies are sacked out, the big girl are resting and I'm tired. Jack had a little siesta and thinks it is time to play again. I disagree with hi aessment so I'm going to rest while I listen to the rain ad sleeping puppies.
Nighty, nighty, nighty and puppy breath to all

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