Tuesday, April 7, 2015

April 7, 2015 Pupdate

I didn't plan the feedings as well today so they needed first breakfast before daylight. I THINK I have adjusted the schedule appropriately (by way of a little extra afternoon snack to make dinner later.) I prefer puppies not to believe that dogs eat before daylight (it seems much easier for new owners to adjust them to getting up earlier than later and I KNOW it is for me.) I did get back to sleep afterward but hope to do better tomorrow.
We went outside for several hours today. They seem to really enjoy it. We stayed outside for quite a while even after it began to rain. They were napping when it started so they didn't notice (part of them were in the playhouse and part of them were under the grill) and I got to stay inside of the open door. But then they woke up and went on about their little water dog business (potty and play and cavort around) so I walked around with an umbrella. (None of them reacted to the umbrella.) Eventually, I got tired of that and a they were getting pretty wet so I brought them inside. They were pretty good to follow me in until they encountered big dogs along the way. I got their Mama to go into the pen to lure them and that was effective.
The weather cleared up somewhat while they were napping so I let them go back outside for a while this evening. They eventually piled up in the playhouse on/under the raised bed and slept until it was almost dark. I wanted to come back inside so I crated part of the distracting big dogs (cooper wisely crated himself the first time they came inside). But then Bela took a detour onto the otteben bed instead of into the pen so Doodlebug and I had to round them back up. And because I called them in while they were asleep, they peed after they went into the pen (in the right area but a smarter/more coherent woman would've had them go before she brought them inside.)
They are being nice quiet little puppies now so I'm hoping to sleep for a while. Nighty, nighty, nighty

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