Saturday, October 6, 2012


               Puppies are officially a swarm.  If they are awake, they will swarm Doodlebug and they will also swarm me.  Jack and Jill don’t go in their pen but I suspect they would be as well.  If they are asleep, when they wake up with me there, I still get the full treatment.  Too bad I don’t enjoy playing with puppies.   It’s a tough job but someone has to socialize them…

               I’ve done toenails a few times this week but they are ready to be done by people who are not me tomorrow.  I always do them when I visit other people’s puppies because I think it is good for them so I like them to be done by other people here, too.

               I turned off the vetch toy for nighty, nighty, nighty time and I think a few of them are displeased with that turn of events.  They are still wallering it but at least it won’t sing all night long.

               They are also displeased when the MamaBug is eating or getting a drink outside their pen.  They can actually bark now so they add that into their repertoire of singing and tribble noises.  They also do something that might be going to be a growly noise but not yet.  And no, Dog Cindi, I won’t teach them to growly bark even though it is REALLY cute to hear.  (It didn’t take long to un-teach the litter I taught that anyway). 

               They are more steady on their feet this evening than they were even this morning and some of them can almost run.  Someone with vision will have to see if any of them are trotting or if they are just lurching quickly.

               I ordered microchips and distemper vaccines today.  They should all be here long before time to inject them but I wasn’t sure and I don’t want to be late.  I didn’t get around to making their CERF appts though.  Guess that will have to wait until Monday.  I kind of need to schedule that around their conformation and temperament evaluations at 8 weeks anyway so I’ll have to do some coordination of other people’s schedules, too.  I didn’t get around to taking a nap today either.  2 things on my list that I didn’t accomplish.  I think I made a list of words with ten in them that might be good in names instead of napping .

                  We’ll have the 3 am feeding and potty break for the SammieDoodlebug and then an early morning breakfast.  All of those meals are even larger now since her caloric intake had to increase.  I couldn’t figure out a time to add in a meal so I’ve had to increase the calories a little more.  She is eating it all pretty willingly – she only picks at her 3 am food.  It’s probably because that one is mostly dog food (2 cups of EVO is just over 1,000 calories) and that doesn’t really measure up to her standards.  At 3am, I am not really functioning enough to mix her a full raw meal though so we are going to have to muddle through.  She eventually eats it and her other meals as well so I’m counting it as good enough for now.

               For now, we are all going to go nighty, nighty, nighty.  If anything exciting happens before I post this in the morning, I’ll add it in.  In the meantime, I hope you all have/had puppy breath dreams.  Everyone traveling home from the Specialty, have a safe drive.  I can’t believe it’s over already.

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