Thursday, October 11, 2012

October 11, 2012

               CERFs have been scheduled and I am working on setting up the evaluations as well.  I think we’ll need to divide the puppies up into groups so they don’t get too tired waiting their turn.

               The magic whistles came so I think we have most of the things we will need for the puppies.  I still need to get some pink paper for the dam’s certificates, etc. in the puppy books but I could probably get started printing and assembling if I weren’t so busy playing with or listening to the puppies.  And feeding their mother 8 million times a day.  Her right ear is somewhat icky, no doubt from all of the carbs but I can’t use much in it while she is nursing.

               Apparently, since the mama eats at 4am, that is a good time to wake up and play.  She also goes out to walk the plank and then feeds them.  I go back to sleep to the sound of nursing puppies.  It rather makes getting up at 4 in the morning worthwhile.  (I am so NOT a morning person.) 

               I can’t believe they are almost 4 weeks old.  Their eyes are darkening, still sort of blue but many are going more blueish gray. And their little ears are real ears now.  Here’s hoping that they got Triton’s ears instead of Doodlebug’s.  (Her ear leather is a little heavy and they are slightly longer than perfect.)

               Their hair is really starting to grow so I hope we can do their little lion rears this weekend.  We’ll be sure to get pictures if we do.  We probably won’t do muzzles on such little puppies but we may need to trim the hair from the corners of their eyes a few times.

               They have played several times today: with me, with each other, with the stuff in the pen.  I gave them the crackly cat tunnel and while they are all very interested in it, none of them have gone through it.  They lunge on it, bite and it and end up lying on it after they get it folded down.  It is apparently a coveted place to sleep because someone is always on it.  I find it very cute but so far everything they do is cute.  Just for fun, I help them climb up on my lap by putting my hand behind their neck like we load the dogs onto the boat.  It worked more than half of the time so maybe we have little water dogs in the making.

               Pupsters are becoming more active, more often.  They still sleep a lot but they are awake and playing more, too.  I need to feed everybody and take the big dogs out for last call and call it a day.  Tomorrow they will be 4 weeks old.  Such big puppies.  For now, nighty, nighty, nighty to all.              

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