Monday, October 15, 2012

October 15, 2012 Pupdate

               Good morning,  good morning the little dogs said.  Then they gobbled down the food and had a milk chaser at the bar.  They are eating and nursing well and I think they are growing.  Some of them are hefty at least after you hold them for a while.

               Camo keeps streaking and I thought it was just something wrong with how I put his pupcollar on until I heard the Velcro noise and Turtle’s red collar was off.  I may have to spend a lot of time putting collars back.  Their hair is getting too long to see their collars part of the time anyway so I may just put them back on when people are coming to see them.

               Bruce got back home last night so I didn’t have to do all of the getting up to feed Doodlebug and let her out.  He’s not quite brave enough to try to feed the puppies yet though.  I don’t think he’s up for doing the puppy slop feedings, too messy.  Fortunately, Doodlebug is still a significant source of food for them so I don’t have to feed them in the night.

               There are lots of teeth coming through and a whole lot more just about to come in, too.  I think Big Brown (Orange collar) is very close to getting incisors.

               We are on day 4 of no pottying on the sleeping fleece.  Smart little puppies!

               They are getting much better at eating the puppy gruel even as I make it thicker.  That doesn’t mean that feet don’t go in the dishes but they come and start eating with less intervention from me.  They will still get distracted and head for the bar if SammieDoodlebug is in the pen but some of them keep eating at least part of the time.

               I played the stereo for them this evening (they were unimpressed) and they are really getting into playing with toys in the time they are awake.  With ten of them, it is sort of a wave of waking up and going back to sleep but the whole thing lasted about an hour this afternoon. 

In spite of all of my warnings to Jack, he put his monkey paw in the pen and puppies have started taking it.  He isn’t thrilled with that turn of events, he never is, but he doesn’t try to take it back.  A couple of times, I switched it for another one, a couple of times I gave it back, and another couple of times we waited until the puppies were done before I returned it to him.

Jill goes into the pen to check on them a little more often but moves along when they try to nurse.  Part of the time I think she is just coming in to get in on the attention but she’s careful with the puppies.  She will give a little growl to back them away from her feet before she starts to move/jump back out of the pen.

My computer has been contrary the last couple of days so I am going to save this and try to post it before it gets lost.  We’ll wish you puppy breath dreams and say nighty, nighty, nighty for now.

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