Saturday, October 13, 2012

4 Weeks Old!

               Happy 4 week birthday little pupsters.  I sang Happy Birthday to them (multiple names) and they greet that with tail wags and face kissing and mouthing on my clothes, etc.  Pretty much the same greeting I always get, it’s a wonderful greeting.

               The crinkly cat tunnel continues to be a favorite item.  At least one puppy was on it all night, I know because I could clearly hear it in the monitor.  I’ll have to take it out tonight.  This morning, Dyson went through it as a tunnel. Then he turned around, grabbed it and wrestled it into a bed ;-)

               Bruce’s mom cleaned the rubber room and the puppies were somewhat interested in her but not concerned with what she was doing. 

               SammieDoodlebug has decreed that it is time for them to start eating additional foods and if I don’t supply them, she will.  I gave them ground meat in goat milk formula and they seemed to enjoy it.  I don’t know how much she is going to be like her mother but I intend to implement the lessons I learned from Jill to hopefully minimize the hurling.

               We have a big day planned for them tomorrow, lots of new people to start meeting.  So for tonight, we’ll send you puppy breath and say Nighty, nighty, nighty.

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