Saturday, October 6, 2012

Pupdate: Tamara's Birthday Edition

Good morning, morning the little dogs say!  And they can say it really loudly!  Maybe it’s the fact that there are 10 of them saying things that makes it louder.

               I gave them some formula from the saucer dishes and they ate part of it from the dishes and a lot more from each other.  Some of them catch on to lapping pretty quickly, others get distracted.  It doesn’t help when the Mama comes in to see what kind of contraband I am giving them and half of them try to nurse while she stands there waiting to clean up.  But it is all very cute.

               Big news for today:  we have TEETH.  At least some of them have teeth, anyway.  In the bottom, on the back but I can feel some others really close to erupting as well.  That means we will start feeding them some goat milk soaked meat soon (and Doodlebug will probably start sharing her calories with them rendering it even more difficult to get the required 6,072 in her each day.

               The Mamabug did some swimming today and seemed to enjoy it a LOT but she’s loved to swim since she was biddy wee.  I hope we have some decent weather when the puppies are big enough to swim because I think she will take them into the water.  But I don’t have a lot of hope for that, we’ll probably have their first swimming experience in the pool.

               They bark, they wrestle, they bite and paw each other.  They are officially FUN for everyone.  In less than a week, we will start our unduplicated count of meeting 40 new people in 4 weeks so that will be busy.  People may have to sit in a circle and play pass the puppy so everybody gets held.  I don’t have problems giving each of them attention but the sighted people think Peppy might need a brighter colored collar so he isn’t neglected.  I think he has a lot of attitude so I don’t foresee that but I will make sure he gets his fair share of attention form everyone.

               The more we talk about poTENtial names for the litter theme, the more I like it.  There are some really good choices IMO.  Some with good potential call names but obviously, call names have a lot more latitude.

               The puppies have had another good feeding, it’s time to turn off the piano toy, feed the Doodlebug again, and do last call so we can all go Nighty, Nighty, Nighty.  We hope Aunt Tamara had a good birthday, they wanted me to send her some puppy breath so here you go Tamara…

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