Good morning, good morning, the little dogs said. They had a good night for a pleasant tomorrow and were ready for their next adventure.
And an adventure it was. They met 4 more new people today 2 men and 2 children. The little boy was on marginally interested but did get in the pen with them a couple of times but the little girl was definitely into puppy love. She was even a trouper when they were grabbing her long hair (I put it up after that to minimize hair grabbing.)
The pool was in the high 80s so even though the water wasn’t perfectly clear (it had been low so we added some pond water), we took the puppies swimming. Once again, nobody moved their legs until after their chins got wet but all but 2 swam really well right away. Those two weren’t really swimming toward the step so much at first so their rears sank. I put the itty bitty lifejacket on them and they did much better. LeAnne noticed some of them using their tails as rudders to turn. Bobby took video with the flip (some underwater) so I will try to get them onto Youtube before too long.
TJ was the last puppy so we put the lifejacket on him and did some swim with handler playing with him.
We also finished shaving baby lion butts again. The puppies were much better and we used some cuddles and some cream cheese to accomplish the goal. Dog Cindi did part of them and Colleen practiced her grooming on others. Then she shaved half of Indy’s muzzle (Dog Cindi did the other half.)
Bluehemoth demonstrated his preference to be with me many times today so he was passed around a lot and taken outside to play with other people as well. That helped some. I’ll have to make sure everyone gets plenty of other people interaction. They all recognize and prefer me so I try to be away when they are playing with some people.
The weather was ugly today so we didn’t go outside as a group. A couple of puppies went here and there though.
They ate well and didn’t potty on the sleeping fleece in the crate - they did potty in the crate but at the other corner. The crate is at least 48 inches so that’s not a big deal, yet.
And that was their big day today. They are expecting more company tomorrow so we will get ready for nighty, nighty, nighty. Puppy breath dreams to you all.
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