Tuesday, October 9, 2012

October 9, 2012 Pupdate

               Good morning, good morning the little dogs said.  I got the BIG greeting again this morning.  There is something really sweet about having 10 little puppies run up to greet you at the side of the pen.  It is also really fun to get in the pen while they are sleeping and have them wake up and come clambering up for a cuddle.  It makes getting up at the crack of long before dawn worthwhile.

               I have everything ready for when SammieDoodlebug says it’s time to start feeding them.  I feel more little teeth under their gums just waiting to pop out.  I thought she was going to puke for them today but she cleaned up some puppies instead.  I don’t think it will be long though.

               Tonight I was on the phone for my training club’s monthly meeting for about an hour.  The puppies were sleeping for most of it but they woke up towards the end and made their presence known.  Apparently it was potty time.  Their mama went in and cleaned up but that set off an attempted feeding frenzy while she stood.  They all got a little snack and after they got a little attention, settled back down to sleep.

               They are very sociable little critters.  I have to take my shoes off before I get into the pen because they have a tendency to be so close around my feet that I have to work hard to avoid stepping on them.  When I sit with them I have to be careful to get all of the way down before they are all over me.  If I lean up to kneel and start to sit back down on my legs, they are already puppies on my calves.  I think they like me, they really like me.  The feeling is mutual.

               I think I am going to give them another snack and then it’ll be time for nighty, nighty, nighty.  Puppy breath to all and to all a good night.

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