Saturday, June 5, 2010

June 5 Pupdate

The puppies are all sacked out from their big day. They helped me clean up their room and were especially helpful in spreading out the linens. The trouble is they all have different ideas about what goes best in which spot. They were really cute when they would run under the sheet as I let it fall.

I was a mean breeder today and did NOT put in the vtech piano toy. I wanted them to play with other things, too and this was the best way to make sure that happened. It did so we don’t have to worry about that. One of the funniest things is how they ue the plastic box to jump at the big dogs or while playing with another puppy. They also use it to gain height while seeking attention from people. Smart little puppies. They played with monkey paws, the float line training toy and pretty much everything else in the pen. One of the black ones was playing with Cindi and mouthing her finger when he tried to pull her around by it. When he couldn't make much progress, he tried to shake it to kill it first. They might not have much concept of size even if they are very smart ;-)

They enjoyed some goat milky ground beef too. (Dog) Cindi was here for that. True to form Green and Limey just stuck their heads in the bowl. Pink and Purple waited to be served. Royal was asleep at first so he mostly got his from my fingers, too. Baby blue did it both ways. I let Jill in to clean up and top off the puppies when they were finished.

Pupadoos got their first baths today. They weren’t dirty but I like to introduce it before they need it so we can make sure it’s a pleasant experience. I did it in the laundry sink with the sprayer on the faucet and a cup. I used nice warm water but made sure they encountered the running water, too. Some of the puppies were very into the running water. Some of them didn’t pay any attention to it but nobody tried to get away from it. Limey and Pink settled in for a nap after their towel wrapped cuddle time. Purple was next and after she was almost dry, I put her in to sleep with them under a dry towel. She was having none of that. First she had to go pee (and went to the right spot) and then she had zoomies worthy of her little water dog self. Unfortunately, she couldn’t find another puppy awake enough to play, too. Green and royal were very good for their turns and played a little after their turns but nothing like Purple. BabyBlue was very sleepy when I did his. He kept lying down in the water so I guess he isn’t too concerned with water. Maybe he just thought it was a big hot tub. I didn’t get the water deep enough for anyone to try to swim.

After (dog) Cindi left, the puppies got some more new exposures. I turned on the security system and forgot to disarm it before I let the big dogs out. The puppies got to hear the sirens and the very loud “Intruder.” I got to the phone in time to keep them from dispatching the police (although that would have gotten the puppies to meet a uniformed officer.) Then the neighbors started setting off fireworks. The puppies slept through ALL of that so I guess at this point they aren’t sound sensitive ;)

They have more visitors scheduled for tomorrow so we’d better get ready to go nighty, nighty, nighty. Puppy breath to all

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