Saturday, June 12, 2010

June 12 Pupdate

I am absolutely exhausted so this will be short. Cindi is supposed to be writing a guest blog for me to post tomorrow anyway since she was here a lot of the day.
Puppies were up and greeting me this morning. They were all sitting there quietly waiting to be greeted (and maybe fed, too.) I planned to go back to bed but the little things are soo cute they just sucker me into staying here with them.
It rained a lot (I wasn’t expecting that) so they didn’t get to play outside in the ex pen today. Bruce and I got the boats in the pond while Indy’s Cindi puppysat. Then she and I worked on the big dogs’ toenails, cut some hair, took them out to play and gave them showers.

Then we lionized the back half of the puppies (and by we, I mean mostly Cindi – I helped by holding the puppies.) We took pictures and Cindi is going to blog about that. They were surprisingly well behaved and were unfazed by the clippers. I have encountered fully grown dogs not nearly that well behave during grooming.

I’ll try to do better tomorrow. The little lions are going to sleep tonight.

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