Tuesday, June 15, 2010

June 15 Pupdate

Well the little dogs have had quite the big day today. All kinds of new and exciting adventures – if FedEx would ever bring the FLIP package, we could have video of them doing cute stuff. Right now, there are enough other people around that you might even get decent video as opposed to the wide screen hope I’ll be doing. We bought one but I wanted a white one and the waterproof case so I could use it at the pond and water trials. The FedEx people don’t make much of an attempt to deliver things here – and when they do, it’s often not our package. Needless to say, I am not very pleased with FedEx but I digress.

I put the tunnel in their inside room this morning and they really seemed to enjoy that. Pink! and Limey were the first ones through it but they all played on it. Pink! was full of herself this morning running around and around and through the tunnel even after the others went to sleep. She was pretty lively this evening, too.

We had some outdoor time this evening in the grass. I sprayed them with the hose to keep them cool and they seemed to really enjoy that. Then we put their pool out there with some water in it and fed them dinner in there. They weren’t too sure about that but it was worth it for the most part.

I let them all out into the dog yard and they practiced running amok. I had a lot of helpers here to watch them or I wouldn’t have risked it. They were pretty good about coming to me when called so I might not worry as much but I still don’t see me risking it alone.

We each held a puppy while we watched part of a movie. Eventually, they all needed to go pee so we put them back. Until then it was a big cuddlefest. Very sweet little puppies. The puppies definitely seek out human companionship. I haven’t noticed any of them that prefer other dogs (well other than they possibility of nursing on their mother) over people.

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