Saturday, June 26, 2010

June 26 Pupdate

Good morning, good morning the little dogs said. They really enjoy the early morning playtime in the cool air. This morning we practiced sitting for sardines sort of as a group. They were all out there together so they would horn in on each other’s turn. I did practice down with a few puppies but I don’t know which ones they were. I was busy keeping track of puppies. None of them went through the fence so that was a good trip outside.

Jill has pretty much stopped cleaning up poop but they almost always go outside. I am not sure which is more significant. She still goes in to clean up pee and if they make a mess with the food. She also still nurses them at least 4 times a day. She and Doodlebug are teaching them how to behave and Doodlebug also plays with them.

I gave each of the puppies 1 french fry today to see what they’d do with it. I think they all eventually ate some if not all of 1. None of them took it and rolled on it like SammieDoodle does if she doesn’t know it’s food. There weren’t any altercations over them but there was a little running around with French fries.

After an abbreviated afternoon playtime (the puppies decided it was hot and they wanted back in the a/c) we took the big dogs up to the pond. I decided against taking the puppies up today since they had an immune assault day yesterday. None of them show any adverse reaction but I’m giving myself an extra day just in case. When we got back I washed the big dogs while the puppies played outside with Indy’s Cindi.

I brushed the big dogs on the grooming table in front of the puppies’ room today and the puppies kept asking to get up on the table. I can’t believe how jealous they already are. After I brushed each one of the little ones, I tried stacking them. I was amazed by how much they cooperated and I didn’t even use food. So before I fed them tonight, I asked Indy’s Cindi if she wanted to try to stack them with string cheese. They were great for her too. So I took pictures and we put them on Picasa. We hope to get better ones next week with someone who can see and a decent camera but these should show you that the babies can stand there like big dogs.

I let Cindi give them their dinner. They seemed to enjoy it – it had the requisite meat in it. They don’t get too excited if there isn’t meat in the mixture but they eat everything if there is. They had a big play session which Bruce had just gotten home to see so he and Indy’s Cindi talked about what they were doing. They were quite active little things and very amusing. They kept each other (and the people) quite entertained. I can’t tell you how much I am going to miss each and every one of these puppies. It makes me miss all of the old puppies, too ;-( Bruce is going to have to make sure there are plenty of fudgesicles in the freezers.

For now, I am on potty patrol and working on a little training. (I have been remarkably restrained about not teaching them to retrieve since that’s on the temperament evaluation but I have thought about it many times.) I am making sure that I verbally reward them for every potty in the right spot (outside or on the paper covered potty tray with the alfalfa pellets underneath.) Cary now also asks to go out to poop. I have noticed that when they ask to go outside, if they really need to go potty the strain to be put down as soon as we get to the edge of the deck. If they were crying wolfe (or really just wanted some cuddle time) they are happy to be carried around. I do always get a courtesy pee outside though so it’s not too bad.

I need to go provide their turn down service and get myself ready for tomorrow. We have a big day planned and I have to gather up their stuff. Then on Monday, it’s off to Columbus for us. So we’re going to say Nighty, nighty, nighty to all of you and send sweet little puppy kisses to you all.

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