Thursday, June 3, 2010

4 Weeks OLD!

Happy birthday little Jillyboobabies! 4 weeks old tonight.

They had a big day. The mama dog regurgitated a little for them so that means I start working on giving them food tomorrow. Ground meat in goat milk is on the menu. Gross as it is, they caught right on to what was going on. She was so careful to make sure she had their attention before she did it and then she let them nurse some afterward, too.

The puppies also had a trip outside. I needed to rearrange the puppy pen so that I can close off the play area during the night. They’ll just have the potty and sleeping area at night so they can start learning to hold it. I set them up an ex pen and kept checking on them while I hurriedly re-did the enclosure. I think I fixed it so that people who are sitting on Bruce’s couch can still see the tv (but I still maintain that anyone in there should be much more interested in puppies than the tv,) too. I was worried that they were getting too hot so I brought them back in and put them in the pool that is partially under the pew across from their pen. They seemed to thin that was great fun. They’d ‘hide’ under it and pounce out or run back and forth. The upside is only one puppy escaped from the pool while I was finishing up.

(Dog) Cindi and Casie came by this evening to help celebrate the babies’ birthday. The puppies seemed to enjoy them. A couple of the puppies even started doing the head shake to “kill” what they had in their mouths (in this case Cindi’s finger and Casie’s arm.) They all go through that stage but this is the first time they’ve done it. The baby blue boy would wag his little tail at Cindi and when she talked sweet to him, he’d wag his tail even faster. They are getting more and more coordinated. I guess that’s what happens but it is always surprising how fast they progress.

The puppies are also developing their own sense of style. I spread a sheet out on their floor and after they played with Cindi and Casie for a few minutes, they redecorated. One puppy got hold of the corner and pulled it back across to the other side. They’ve been pulling around the towels and rugs I put down for them but they usually just get started when another puppy steps on it and they come to an abrupt halt. Unimpeded, apparently they can make some real progress.

Can’t believe the babies are half way to 8 weeks old. Buy stock in fudgesicles, people. I’m going to need a lot of them before too long. For now, I’ll go enjoy some puppy breath while I still can. Nighty, nighty, nighty.

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