Monday, June 14, 2010

Cindi's Guest Blog

I had so much fun giving the puppies their first Lion trim. They were such good little puppies, they didn’t seem to mind one bit having their butts shaved. (I didn’t shave underneath, too tiny for that.) I was so proud of them, there was no fussing and they all held still with just a little help from Cristi. I was amazed at how much hair came off of each puppy. Wonder what Cristi could make with all that hair. Limey was putting on the Ritz, he came out with a show stack right off the bat. You will have to look at all the photos. The camera has a slight delay, but I tried to get as many shots as I could, the puppies were fairly cooperative. I know a lot of people (including me back in the day) don’t like the Lion trim but, once you see those little butts in that trim, you might just change your mind. I did. These puppies are just adorable, I don’t know how many times I have said they are so cute but they are. I hope you all appreciate all the photos. I am even lying down in the puppy pen to get some of the shots. They do something cute and then the camera can’t react as quick as they can and off they go to something else… The photos that are the easiest to take is when they are asleep. I think some are spoiled when I pick one up another barks at me to get picked up. Anyway work has been tough the last few weeks but all is well when I am in the puppy pen.

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