Wednesday, June 30, 2010

June 30 Pupdate

The pupsters and I are all back home safe and sound. They had a nice trip to Columbus and weren’t too bad for their CERF exams. They were the worst I’ve ever known them to behave on a table for their conformation evaluation, though. Fortunately, they aren’t graded on table behavior ;-) Now I have to decide who to send where and let them start going to their new homes. Where did the time go? (Boy, I sound old don't I?)

The puppies were good on the drive out and back but we did stop and re-separate them on the way home. We had 3 in each crate and in one crate they were playing pretty loudly. Rearranging them settled it right down. None of them got sick or had a pottying accident in the crate.

I think they had a good time at the Trostle’s house. They met even more people – but they’ve never met a stranger – and discovered the joys of mulch. I don’t like mulch so we don’t have any which I am sure added to the appeal. Everyone trying to keep them out of it made it into a game. It didn’t appear to be as much fun when I would clean it out of their mouths but it was worth trying again and again.

They’ve settled right back in to life at home and proceeded to get out of the fencing time and again this evening. I took part of it down because I took it with us and they are enjoying that. At this point they still tend to hang out right at the fence so I am not too worried but I’ll have to fix it soon or they’ll get even braver.

I think swimming in the pool might be on tomorrow’s agenda for them. Jack has to go to the vet so we’ll see. I do have some individual crate time planned for them tomorrow as well. If I do it when it’s naptime, it will go easier for all of us. I also do it beside the other puppies in crates so it’s not as scary.

Since the temperament test is over and they already showed their desire to retrieve now I can reward it. Pink and I were playing with a monkey paw and she was retrieving it to my hand and then playing a little tug. Wonder if any of them would retrieve a dead toy for me? Maybe there’ll be time to find out before they are all gone. Actually, most of them aren’t leaving this weekend so we’ll get to play some ;-)

I need to get everybody- especially me – ready for bedtime so we’re going to say nighty, nighty, nighty now.

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

June 29 Guest blog/Tamara

Hello all,
I'd like to tell you all that the puppies are just horrible, horrible, horrible little puppies (so Cristi and I could split them between us) but you wouldn't believe a word of it.
Cristi had me put a hat on so Green could come to the backyard and greet me all by herself. Oh my!! It's really a good thing I didn't put my earrings in because she would have had to stay. She was into my lap and climbing all over me immediately, as were the rest of them when they came to join the fun. Too darn bad these pupadoos have had no socialization! Lori came and joined us for puppy fun bringing pizza for dinner. We made a big puppy corral with x-pens, set up the picnic benches beside the corral so we could have puppy theater with dinner. Doesn't get any better then that!
It was about 10:30 'til we got everyone settled in. Didn't hear a word out of pups until almost 6:00. Cristi and I ferried them out to the corral for potty and then breakfast. Cristi thought I was being quite funny when I thought they should go in after breakfast because it was cold and wet out there! Well, I WAS cold! They all went to sleep for awhile before the big day began. Caren Murray came around 8 a.m. to evaluate for conformation. It was interesting, however I knew who she would like best. That being said she had a glowing report for all of them. After Caren was done they had some lunch and sleepy time before the temperament testing. Kim Hanson arrived just after noon. I found it fascinating to watch. However, I will let Cristi talk about it and I will say that my first impression of them stuck. After all the testing was done they got to meet and greet the neighbor children (6 little girls) and their moms. It was rather a wild time. Imagine puppies and little girls running every which way. We brought the boat to the fenced back yard and tried to get a picture of them in the boat. YIKES!! Talk about chaos! We fed them one more time before they loaded up and went home...:-(( They will be tired little adorable puppies at least until they get back home. I loved each and everyone one....that will have to take care of my puppy lust for a little while at least. Nighty, night little pupadoos..

Sunday, June 27, 2010

June 27 Pupdate

What a busy day with the cutest sweetest puppies in the world. They were very good to wait for me to come down to let them out this am. I had given them a bigger nighttime space since I knew I needed to wash my hair this am and I was exhausted. When I came down, we only had one poop and it was in the designated spot ;-) We immediately went outside and they pottied and played and I hurried in to provide their maid service. The best laid plans though… Bruce went outside via the front door to do something and that made Jilly give her little alarm bark. The puppies all go in their crate when she or Doodlebug sound the alarm. They decided they needed to come and get in the crate so I let them inside and put them in Jack’s crate while I finished up.

They had a nice nap and then we had company. We took them out front for the first time en masse loose. I did set up an ex pen but we let people help try to wrangle them. I think big fun was had by all even though it was horribly hot. We kept the puppies cool with the water hose and pool and we cooled ourselves off with the hose some, too.

When they were worn out, we took them back in the house and took Indy, Jack and Turley (Jill’s half sister) up to the pond for some retrieving. Jill and SammieDoodle stayed in the house because Jill isn’t all that accepting of other dogs while she has puppies and SammieDoodle and her brother are convinced that she is coming into heat. I don’t know if she’s faking or not but we aren’t taking any chances with them. Those 3 had quite a good time retrieving bumpers and balls from the water. I think the children enjoyed throwing the objects to be tretrieved as well.

After a nice nap, we put the puppies in Indy’s Cindi’s van and went gallivanting. They did a little fussing in the car for a while but then settled down for a nice quiet ride. They had their first temperament evaluation; they have another on Tuesday. I’m not giving any details of this one until after the other one just to make sure we don’t contaminate the findings of the second one.

We didn’t get home until almost 9pm and the puppies were very quiet on the way. They livened up when we got home and got them into the dog yard. We brought them in when they figured out that we had cannibalized some of the ex pen that was helping contain them. They like to fling themselves into the orange construction fencing that I strung to keep them from going through the bigger fencing. Most of the time they can sort of hang in it like it’s a puppy hammock but when they hit it just right, they can get under it. Debra is right, they are like those dinosaurs from Jurassic Park that constantly and systematically check the fences.

They had some bites (that’s code for eating around here –another holdover from my nephew and nieces) and then got really lively before they started sacking out. Now that we have them to bed, I think we’ll do the same.

Indy’s Cindi is staying here tonight so that we can get an early enough start tomorrow and so she can see them at their rowdy best very early in the morning. Maybe she can distract them enough to keep them outside while I clean their room. We shall see.

You may not hear from me until we get home from our trip to get CERFs and conformation/temperament evaluations. Imagine all of the productive things you will have to do since you don’t have this to waste your time… ;-) Good night all.

Saturday, June 26, 2010

June 26 Pupdate

Good morning, good morning the little dogs said. They really enjoy the early morning playtime in the cool air. This morning we practiced sitting for sardines sort of as a group. They were all out there together so they would horn in on each other’s turn. I did practice down with a few puppies but I don’t know which ones they were. I was busy keeping track of puppies. None of them went through the fence so that was a good trip outside.

Jill has pretty much stopped cleaning up poop but they almost always go outside. I am not sure which is more significant. She still goes in to clean up pee and if they make a mess with the food. She also still nurses them at least 4 times a day. She and Doodlebug are teaching them how to behave and Doodlebug also plays with them.

I gave each of the puppies 1 french fry today to see what they’d do with it. I think they all eventually ate some if not all of 1. None of them took it and rolled on it like SammieDoodle does if she doesn’t know it’s food. There weren’t any altercations over them but there was a little running around with French fries.

After an abbreviated afternoon playtime (the puppies decided it was hot and they wanted back in the a/c) we took the big dogs up to the pond. I decided against taking the puppies up today since they had an immune assault day yesterday. None of them show any adverse reaction but I’m giving myself an extra day just in case. When we got back I washed the big dogs while the puppies played outside with Indy’s Cindi.

I brushed the big dogs on the grooming table in front of the puppies’ room today and the puppies kept asking to get up on the table. I can’t believe how jealous they already are. After I brushed each one of the little ones, I tried stacking them. I was amazed by how much they cooperated and I didn’t even use food. So before I fed them tonight, I asked Indy’s Cindi if she wanted to try to stack them with string cheese. They were great for her too. So I took pictures and we put them on Picasa. We hope to get better ones next week with someone who can see and a decent camera but these should show you that the babies can stand there like big dogs.

I let Cindi give them their dinner. They seemed to enjoy it – it had the requisite meat in it. They don’t get too excited if there isn’t meat in the mixture but they eat everything if there is. They had a big play session which Bruce had just gotten home to see so he and Indy’s Cindi talked about what they were doing. They were quite active little things and very amusing. They kept each other (and the people) quite entertained. I can’t tell you how much I am going to miss each and every one of these puppies. It makes me miss all of the old puppies, too ;-( Bruce is going to have to make sure there are plenty of fudgesicles in the freezers.

For now, I am on potty patrol and working on a little training. (I have been remarkably restrained about not teaching them to retrieve since that’s on the temperament evaluation but I have thought about it many times.) I am making sure that I verbally reward them for every potty in the right spot (outside or on the paper covered potty tray with the alfalfa pellets underneath.) Cary now also asks to go out to poop. I have noticed that when they ask to go outside, if they really need to go potty the strain to be put down as soon as we get to the edge of the deck. If they were crying wolfe (or really just wanted some cuddle time) they are happy to be carried around. I do always get a courtesy pee outside though so it’s not too bad.

I need to go provide their turn down service and get myself ready for tomorrow. We have a big day planned and I have to gather up their stuff. Then on Monday, it’s off to Columbus for us. So we’re going to say Nighty, nighty, nighty to all of you and send sweet little puppy kisses to you all.

Friday, June 25, 2010

June 25 Pupdate

Thanks to Indy’s Cindi for posting an update this morning while I was having computer issues. I don’t know why it wouldn’t let me post yesterday but hopefully, it’s better now. That does remind me to warn ya’ll that we are taking the puppies to Columbus for CERFs and evaluations next Monday and Tuesday so I may not be able to post the blog until we get home. I know you’ll all just be lost without my daily ramblings about the puppies. Get yourself some fudgesicles to get you through a day or 2 without puppies ;-)

Big Big day here today. We got up and had our yard time while the maid cleaned up our room. Then we had a nice appetizer from the milk bar and then a healthy breakfast. After a healthy breakfast of meaty oatmeal (they prefer not to have a meal without meat. I think they may take after their mother,) we had baths like the big dogs. All of this in time to have a little nap before getting loaded into a crate in the car for a trip to the vet at 8am. Who’d have thunk I’d be up and accomplishing that much that early in the day?

They wore their new ‘big dog’ collars. Some of them aren’t even on the tightest fitting. Rotten puppies growing up like that. The puppies whined a little in the car but fortunately we didn’t have any potty accidents. We did have one puke on the way home but it was well contained by the towel so they didn’t need baths again.

They were a big hit at the vet office even though their little feet never hit the floor. Pink was a little nervous her 2nd time on the table but I held her a minute and she calmed back down. They were in and out and in and out for weights, exam, prep for chips, chips and then vaccine. I had printed off labels for each puppy to help things move along more smoothly so we were done in slightly over an hour. The vet saw some other patients while the puppies got were prepped for the chipping. Our vet has the spot shaved and scrubbed before inserting the chip. On the upside, they did get to see someone in a surgical mask - I hadn’t thought of that one but now I think maybe I’ll have Bruce wear the respirator for them.

We didn’t have time to try to find a policeman to stop us but we did pass a train and it blew it’s whistle. When we got home, Jack told them the story about when he took me on the train to Arlington, VA. They were duly impressed. Jill and Sammie were going to tell them their travels stories but the puppies needed naps. Maybe later ;-)

The puppies slept from the time we got home (10:30ish until almost 3 pm) and then had some goat milk after the trip outside to potty. They played some and went back to sleep before 4.

The vet could find both testicles in the normal position on all 3 boys. I’ve been finding them for a while but I like someone else to be able to do it, too (I think it might be a breeder thing.) When he looked at their bites, I said “teeth” because that’s what I tell them when I am messing around with their mouths. On the first one, he said ‘yes they have lots of teeth” so I explained it to him. By the last couple of puppies, he remembered to say “teeth” and they didn’t fight with him about looking at their bites.

The puppies had a picnic dinner tonight. They ate and played and ate some more and played some more and they pottied outside. They were generally good puppies until they found a way out. They’ve had some big fun inside where it’s cooler anyway. I guess they slept off anything that happened to them at the vet by now ;-) They are having a cage match worthy of one of those wrestling shows.

I don’t think I’ve said it today. They are AWFULLY cute puppies. Absolutely engaging to watch them play – Bruce is absorbed by it tonight, too. He’s narrating some for me so I actually know who is doing what. That’s a nice change but I enjoy it either way.

We’ll let you know what tomorrow brings.. tomorrow. Until then, sweet puppy breath to you.

7 weeks old

The babydogs are 7 weeks old tonight. I can’t believe how time flies. Another week and they’ll be old enough to start leaving me ;-( I won’t be ready for them to start leaving though.

They found a dead little bird that had flown into one of the sliding glass doors and broken its neck. They do NOT have a drop it or a leave it command – the new owners will have to work on that – so I had quite a time getting it away from them. It was a little thing, I think from one of the nests in the burning bushes along the driveway and their yard. I tried to throw it up on the hill where I generally fling the poop but it was too much like a shuttlecock and fell on the driveway. Glad I had a glove on for flinging and reflinging the poor little dead bird.

Indy’s Cindi and her parents came over this evening to help socialize the puppies. Her mom brought a cane and pretended to use it. The puppies were not at all put off by that, in fact, they seemed to think it might be the greatest toy ever. I wonder if I put the tunnel and the cane out which would be more popular. I suspect they would take the cane into the tunnel.

Cindi and I did toenails on the little ones last night, too. They are getting too big to hold and do it with all of that foot hair. They don’t try to fight getting their nails clipped, it’s just awkward with them getting so big. We may try to Dremel them this weekend.

They have found new ways to terrify me. Instead of just going up and down the 2 steps from the decking, they leap off the top one and go running OR just turn around and climb back up to do it again. None of them have gotten out of the reinforced yard but they do like to hang out under the steps. I tried putting a board up to stop that but unless I mount it permanently, they can move it. Since their mother can still get under the other steps, I’m not too worried. I can always pull them over if I need to get someone out. When I call for them and the rest come running, the one underneath pops its head out and then crawls on out. (It reminds me a little of the time the cat went through the ball return on the pool table and came up out of the far corner pocket.)

Royal asked to go outside to go poop this afternoon. That’s another good sign. All of them are quite willing to go when I get them out there but these are the ones that are actually asking to go out instead of looking around for a spot on the inside potty zone. They all pitch a hissy to get out of the nighttime zone to go potty in the mornings, though. Other than the fact that that means I get up even earlier, it’s a good thing ;-)

Getting up early means I need to be ready to get to sleep soon so I’m going to go give the puppies their turndown service and enjoy some cuddle time before we say Good Night Moon.

Cristi having computer issues

Due to technical difficulty with her computer Cristi was not able to blog last night, She is at vets with puppies getting chips and shots and will blog later. I had a good time last night. My parents and I visited for the babies seven week birthday. Pink was infatuated with my Mother so Cristi and I had to rescue Mom from the puppy. (Mom, love her heart is not a dog person) but Dad is so he really enjoyed them. Mom did too, but likes her toes not bitten or licked. Anyway they are adorable and very athletic. Purple girl had the zoomies and was quite cute playing in the tunnel by herself. We did puppy toenails and cuddles and as always enjoyed my time with them. Anyway Cristi will update her blog later today.

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

June 23 pupdate

The puppies got to play in the rain some today. While they were out for their morning ‘yard time’ it started raining and I let them enjoy that a little. They were pretty damp when they came in and altogether wet on their little undersides from the grass. (Perhaps we should mow?) After they came in, I took the big dogs out to play and we got rained on, too.

Cary got the first earned single bath today. Up until now, their baths have been because ‘it’s time’ or we took them to the pond but today, Carolina Blue earned his devil nickname. When I took him outside alone, he went under the steps and played. With the rain, there was some dirt that turned nice and muddy and it was all over his feet and tummy. During his bath (in the laundry sink, I need to give them showers soon for the experience) he was very well behaved but kept choosing to arrange himself so that the faucet poured right down on his head.

I forgot to close gate to the ex pen when I took the phone up to Bruce today and came right back downstairs to a puppy coming over the wall. They definitely are an athletic bunch.

When Green Bela asked to go out to potty this evening (I am getting much more adept at reading her signals so she doesn’t have to yell to me) we went ahead and took all of them out. It was still warm but not miserable and the puppies had big fun. They played with balls, ropes, dummies, etc and carried them up and down the stairs (too bad they left them all in the yard though. I am really thinking of going renegade on not working on retrieves until after the temperament evaluation) They played chase and tug and king/queen of the mountain. And discovered the eternal truth of water dog puppies, if the water bowl is big enough there will be puppies in it.

They have been on 10 different surfaces wet and dry and another 3 just dry plus mud which only comes in wet ;-) We are also up to 32 unduplicated visitors since they turned 4 weeks old. I think we are on target for most of our goals. I have been carefully screening their tv viewing as well. Last night they had to watch a car race and some loud sporting event. I went upstairs so I didn’t have to listen to it – it’s a good thing I am not a puppy ;-) Today they had to watch some public television, too. They are going to be pretty well informed puppies ;-)

Limey did something that I meant to report but it’s escaping me at the moment. Maybe typing this will jog my memory – if not, maybe rereading it later will.

All of them have discovered their roots – literally. They were digging into the roots of the grass on the little back where they play king of the hill and having enjoying the roots. They seemed to have a little grass as well. I guess I need to make sure they are getting enough green stuff in their diets. With the big dogs, if they don’t think they are getting enough, they go out and graze.

They are having a little semi quiet play time now. A couple of them are playing with the float line trainer (Brownies), another couple are in the cat ring and two are playing with the rubber chicken. Wonder who will get to sleep in the lazy susan until bedtime? It seems to be a favored choice of theirs. I think it has outgrown it’s usefulness as something to unexpectedly shift beneath their footing. They spin it now and nap in it. Maybe if I put it under the climbing spot…

Time to start the nighttime rituals. Nighty, nighty, nighty to all. Enjoy the waning puppy breath dreams…

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

June 22 Pupdate

It’s sleepy time down south but a couple of the little ones are still playing with/in the water bucket. They all had a big SIMULTANEOUS case of the zoomies a little while ago. That creates quite a cacophony in the house ;-) I am glad we got DVR (I highly recommend it for housetraining your puppy as well. You can always pause whatever drivel happens to be on and then skip a few commercials later.)

Purple Bela is now streaking with Royal T. She was trying to chew on her ribbon and it worried me so I just removed it. I can tell her from the others when I would be close enough to check the ribbon anyway. She may be the smallest but she gives as good as she gets with the other puppies. She and Pink! have almost figured out how to climb so I am working on nipping that in the bud. I had to get back up and change the divider last night because Pink! had gone over it. Now if Jill needs to feed them in the night, I’ll have to let her in or them out.

I still cannot get over how cute these puppies are. I am enamored of all of them and they have such endearing ways (for the most part anyway.)

The Brownies seem to want to try to earn their camping merit badges. They threw the I need to go out hissy fit and then didn’t want to come in. At least they didn’t appear to be fazed by the dark and the shadows from the floodlights. I was thinking earlier I was going to have to make sure they all went out in the dark and I guess they read my mind. Now that I have brought them back in, Purple Bela is crying that she wants to go back out. Cary just went over to comfort her and that quieted her for a moment but now she’s run over here and is trying to climb the ex pen. She got up a few rungs but not over, I think I may have to start making sure she gently falls or I’ll have another Indy on my hands. She can sure pitch a hissy when she is so inclined. Cary keeps trying to comfort her. Purple Bela is craving affection this evening. She wanted me to hold her and then she wanted Bruce to hold her after he got home. She quieted down until he put her back in the pen.

They do seem to take notice when one of the big dogs barks while in the crate. They don’t seem to notice or care if they bark when the doorbell rings but when Sammie or Jack bark during ‘quiet time’ they all look in that direction and run the that side of the ex pen.

Today, we practiced sitting for a treat. I didn’t use the clicker – I don’t have enough hands for that. Maybe I will see if I can lure a down tomorrow.

Well, apparently I didn’t nip that learning to climb quite quickly enough because just had a puppy climb out. I need to reinforce the night time enclosure. At least Jack will tell me if someone gets out in the night.

Monday, June 21, 2010

June 21 Pupdate

Jill is absolutely amazing. I knew she was a great dam but she still surprises me. Today, she was bound and determined to share her chicken quarter with the puppies. She snuck it into the ex pen and let them have it. After they played with it and acted like little piranhas (all 6 puppies were on the chicken, pulling and yanking, etc) I picked it up an held it for her to eat. She tried to “bury” a piece of it in their ex pen but I had her eat it. The next thing I knew she was back in their room and they had a piece of chicken. She has monitored their every minute with it. She usually just goes in to clean up or nurse but she has spent an hour in there just watching them and mediating disputes. Every puppy has gotten a turn and while none of them actually ate much of it, they are definitely figuring out how it’s done. Cary was the last puppy still working on it and when he went to sleep, too (the others sacked out earlier) she ate it and came out of the pen.

We had a big storm this evening so I couldn’t take the puppies out. There were really high winds and a fair amount of thunder and lightning before it finally rained and rained. Green Bela still absolutely insisted on being taken out to poop though. I’m not sure how long she would wait while voicing her urgent need to have some attention but since I am encouraging her behavior, I’m not going to try to find out.

They had their evening meal with almost no goat milk added into the mixture and scarfed it down. Since they and their mother think they are ready for chicken, I went even thicker with dinner. Breakfast will still have a fair amount of milk in the oatmeal mixture. Just like big dogs, they now have a water bucket hanging in their ex pen. I don’t put much in it because sometimes it gets pretty banged around during play – either with it or each other and it is just collateral damage. They are working on sitting for meals but it’s a little hit of miss waiting for all 6 to do that at once and me to catch it. I work on it individually some too so we can be more successful.

I need to bring their grooming table back in so we practice standing on it a little every day, too.

I finally got all of the videos from the water loaded onto YouTube and Amy posted pictures she took this weekend, too. So you have something to do since the blog is rather short today ;-)

June 20 Pupdate

The puppies were awake before dawn but stayed pretty quiet. I think I am only hearing them because I am sleeping in the downstairs bedroom. At least that’s what I hope.

They got some good last minute cuddles before all of the little girls left. My nephew played some loud video game with all kinds of sound effects in it. We turned it up to where it was so loud that I, his mother and even he thought it was too loud but the puppies didn’t seem to care. The only thing we’ve ever seen them react to happened later in the day. I gave SammieDoodle a water bottle (she likes to take the lid and the label off) but Indy grabbed it (he likes them as well) and was crackling it really near the ex pen. They all ran into the crate but came back out. One of them took a little longer to get ok with it so I put one in their pen. They discovered the joy of killing a bottle in moments.

After we did some water practice in the pond with the big dogs and the visiting dog, we took the puppies up to the pond. We drove them up 2 at a time and took them swimming. They all waited until their chins hit the water before they started swimming but everyone did fine. Only Purple Bela and Royal T went back in on their own but none of them were particularly worried. Limey scared me half to death because he started toward shore and then turned around and swam towards the middle. We got him turned back around. Indy’s Cindi took video and I finally got it loaded on Youtube. (That’s why the blog wasn’t on until the morning of the 21st)

We had a weight watchers meeting today. It took 3 sighted people to get weights on them so I don’t feel so inept. They are big wriggly, walking puppies with better things to do than hang out on that scale. They are good sized puppies now in the 7 to 9 pound range. Limey was the biggest at 9; Cary was next at 8.4; Green Bela and Royal T came in at 8.2 and pink and purple were the little girls at 7. I am happy with the gains and everybody seems plenty healthy and active. Matter of fact, I had bought a little lifejacket for them to wear until they get bigger but it’s already too little for them.

We reinforced the fence in the back yard with ex pen so now we only have to really closely monitor the back part with the orange fencing. We haven’t had any new escapees but they’ve all checked it out. They are all very good to come when called so it’s not too bad but I don’t take them all out at once if I am alone. Maybe if I put bells on them…

Milestone as far as I am concerned – we haven’t had a puppy poop inside in 2 days. In the case of Green Bela, it is her decision. She pitches a hissy fit at the entrance of the pen until she is taken outside. She can wait a few minutes, too while we idiotic people figure out what she wants. Since they all ask for attention, it takes a minute to figure out the difference.

Another milestone, we are working on sitting to get picked up or petted. It doesn’t keep them from mouthing people and their clothes so we have to be ready with the redirection toys, too. They are getting more and sharper teeth all of the time and are learning from each other and the other dogs how to use them. I hope they learn how not to use them too before long ;-)

Tune in tomorrow – although it probably won’t be as exciting as today was. I need to rest.

Saturday, June 19, 2010

June 19 Pupdate

The puppies were up at the crack of long before dawn this morning (in this case known as 5:10). I don’t intend to continue to encourage that behavior but I got up and took care of them then this am. I think perhaps they have been waking up then but have had the run of the whole ex pen area whereas last night, I closed them into a smaller sleep/potty space so they couldn’t play quietly in their room until a reasonable hour. We’ll see if they do better tomorrow am.

They’ve had a nice day of several trips to play outside which gave them some time to practice their problem solving skills. That’s a nice way of saying they are all working on escaping often. Pink figured out she needed to go up higher where the holes in the temporary fencing are bigger and did so to play in the burning bushes. The orange construction fencing I strung up to help contain them has become a plaything for them. They are developing into real PWDs.

I took them out early this am and they got to play in the cooler weather. It’s nice when we don’t have to spend so much of the time making sure they aren’t going to be too hot. They had a nice breakfast Al Fresco and ate really well. I am not even attempting portion control at this stage of the game - I just want them to eat their fill. They wander in and out having some bites but they rarely just stand there and eat and eat. They still nurse that way though.

My sister connected the video game system to our tv and the girls took turns exposing the puppies to that. The puppies seemed neither impressed nor distressed and slept through most of it. I think we’ll see if my nephew can be persuaded to play a loud boy type game for them.

We had a visit from Amy and Matt and took Salazar (their PWD) and the big dogs up to the pond for some water play and training after they spent some time with the puppies. Indy’s Cindi came over and played with us, too. They all watched the puppies while I washed our dogs. Purple decided that she was going under the decking so new barriers have been temporarily constructed. This must be Purple’s day to be the scout. I am pretty sure they have a schedule of the rotation but they keep it secret from us. If we knew whose turn it was, we could prepare ;-)

They didn’t eat all of their dinner. They were too busy mostly. They would come and eat some and then play a little and come back to eat more. I suspect they will make up for it at last call.

The puppies are all sleeping together in the crate for the most part. During the daytime though, you can almost always find on of them in the cat scratching post ring and another in the tunnel. It’s not the same puppy each time so maybe that’s part of the rotation as well.

We have another visit planned for tomorrow so I’d better get myself and the puppies ready for another day. Until tomorrow: Good night Moon.

Friday, June 18, 2010

June 18 Pupdate

Another exciting day in puppyville. I was awake before 6 am again this morning. The puppies weren’t making any noise but I came down to take them out. There were a couple of poops before I got them outside but Jill took care of those for me. It was nice and cool at that time of the night (I refuse to pretend that a day starts at that hour) so they played and played. They came back in and had some breakfast and then JillyBean topped them off. That triggered their age related narcolepsy but a lot of things trigger that.

I put more videos on youtube today that Indy’s Cindi took last night. I still have at least a couple of them to put on and hopefully we will get some more tomorrow. Since they were about to go over the wall, it was time to do some remodeling of their ‘room.’

My sister watched the pupsters while I expanded their indoor world so here is her report:
I babysat the puppies in the back yard today while Cristi redid their indoor pen. And they ran all over the back yard. And 2 worked and worked until they figured out how to escape from the fence. They didn't go far before I caught them but it was like one held up the fence for the other to follow and escape too. ;-) I had to keep cooling them in water and cooling them in water. It took awhile but I finally got them all to nap on the wet blanket in front of the fan in the shade per Cristi's instructions. They are 6 weeks old now and I felt like I was on an episode of Jon and Kate plus 8 for awhile. ;-) At least the 3 big dogs had gone inside with Cristi.

We brought them back inside and put them in Jack’s crate while I finished up but 2 of them convinced Aunt Debra that they needed cuddled (Limey and Carolina Blue.) Cary wouldn’t settle down so she took him out to potty while I put Limey in the new room. He immediately went into the crate (other than going into Jack’s on a detour into their space, they haven’t seen a crate until now) and settled in to have a nap. Cary did have to pee so when he came back in, he went in there, too.

They’ve been awake and asleep a couple times since then and they are now all but one sleeping in that crate. The last puppy is sleeping in the doorway of the crate. I took a couple of pictures of the 4 asleep in Jack’s crate and some of them sleeping outside on the wet sheet in front of the fan while Debra was puppysitting. I’ll get them on Picasa soon.

Green Bela was doing the whimper dream thing during this evening’s nap and Carolina Blue got up and moved over to cuddle with her. They are pretty sweet to each other when they aren’t pulling on each others’ tails.

I was going to have people help me with a weight watchers meeting tonight but they have all gone to bed and I am headed there soon myself. I would try to do it myself since the pupkins are all sleepy but the scale is pretty loud. Maybe tomorrow. I do know that everybody keeps commenting on how much bigger they are than the last time they were here. I need to consult my list and see what surfaces we still need to have them on. Time is flying by, I’d hate for them to miss anything. But for now, we are all going to get some rest and rejuvenate for tomorrow. They like to have a good night for a pleasant tomorrow and they do seem to wake up very pleasant; ready to greet the day with a song and a smile. I’ll try to make tomorrow another good day for them and I’ll try to do a better job of reporting. Maybe I can get some of the company to do some guest blogging. Until tomorrow…. Nighty, nighty, nighty.

Thursday, June 17, 2010

June 17 Pupdate

The babydogs are 6 weeks old tonight. Right now they are sleeping really hard. I still cannot get over how much difference there is between asleep and awake. They were such live wires out in the dog yard this evening. I think we have some definite potential as agility dogs and for water work. We haven’t worked on obedience yet ;-)

Indy’s Cindi and Frances came over to help socialize the puppies and play, play, play. The pupadoos had had dinner and a little snooze so they were happy to play. Up and down off of the decking at full speed – they do not always bother going over to the edge where it is not much of a drop. They played with each other, the people, the toys, the big dogs and everything else they encountered. There is an area in toward the back edge of the yard that is pretty steep where the pool addition is. They really enjoy going up and down that section. Since the yard gradually slopes up to the dam, it is not all steep there but they really enjoy going up and down as steep as they can manage even though it takes some work.

And all 6 puppies took the outside time as an opportunity to poop out in the grass. Indiy’s Cindi was flinging the puppy poop (I don’t bag it, I use disposable gloves and fling it up on the hillside where only the wildlife generally goes) and reported that it was all good poop. To dog people, such things matter and are a source of much conversation. So far, none of them seem to be walking poopers like the last litter. This is a source of great joy to us.

After one of their daytime meals, Green Bela was pitching an absolute hissy fit - standing on her hind legs at the gate, crying and fussing like they occasionally do when you walk by and they want to be picked up or otherwise played with but nobody was near her. She kept it up for a few moments so I went over and picked her up and took her outside just in case. Sure enough, the little bitch wanted to go outside to potty. She immediately did an abbreviated potty dance and pooped. I can’t believe puppies this young are already doing that. They aren’t nearly as fastidious about peeing yet but that happens a lot more often.

The change in puppy breath has definitely brought on some lessons in how to interact from Jill and Doodlebug. SammieDoodle is more likely to play with them (sometimes under Jill’s supervision but not always as Jill seems to trust her – and me - to know what to do) but she does require a new minimum level of behavior from them. They respond immediately by dropping to the ground and sometimes rolling over but the Doodlebug isn’t asking for that as much as Jill does. Of course, they aren’t really trying to nurse on Sammie like they are Jill.

Bruce did some calling of the magic word with me while they ate this evening. I want them to hear it from a lot of different voices so it helps to imprint on them. Unfortunately, I think it is breaking the magic word for SammieDoodle a little. Jack still tries to come running whenever he hears it but Sammie has decided she’s not being called. I’ll have to reinforce it for her by herself some and definitely after she leaves. Let this be a lesson to any of you future puppy owners reading this not to use it without heavy reinforcement unless in an emergency (and then reinforce it as soon as possible and work on it more before the next emergency.) Fortunately, we haven’t had any emergencies with the Doodlebug lately.

If we have a weight watchers meeting, it will be after the blog is already posted. It may not happen until tomorrow. Another day has flown by and they are another day closer to leaving me. Where are those fudgesicles? I am going to need a lot of them, I can already tell. It’s a little early to cry myself to sleep about it so I’ll just go take care of puppy bedtime prep and sleep puppy breath dreams. Puppy breath dreams to all of you as well.

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

June 16 Pupdate

I am starting this early today in hopes that it will be more coherent than yesterday’s. Last night I was trying to write it with the movie blaring for the puppies and people and I couldn’t hear JAWS or myself think.

We had nice BIG thunderstorms last night and the night before so the pupadoos are getting some good exposure to that kind of thing. I heard the pupkins playing down here at 5 something am (aka the crack of long before dawn.) They weren’t loud enough to wake me, I was semi awake because Bruce was getting ready to go to the Greenbrier for his practice round.

This morning after they had some breakfast at 6 am, I took them outside one by one. I started with Pink! because she was asking to be picked up. I carried her out into the yard and she immediately found a good spot and peed. Then she wandered around with me and found just the right spot to poop. We walked around a little more and then I let her follow me in to the house. I traded her in for another puppy; repeating the process until they had all been out. Everybody peed out there and all but the Brownies pooped on the first trip. GreenBela was still a poop nazi even after the second trip. She didn’t poop in the pen either though so she’s still being a good girl. At this stage, I am still not calling this housetraining. We are just developing and reinforcing their preference not to have to live in a soiled environment. Later, we’ll reinforce MY preference for the same ;-) She did go out around 9 and poop; I think she is just on a different schedule.

My niece hit the puppy pen first thing this am and enjoyed getting mobbed by them. They all certainly like people. Cary (Carolina Blue’s other nickname) was playing with a blanket at first and didn’t notice her come in so he was the last one to the party. The little prince shows promise as a hair stylist. He was “helping” Haley with her hair while she was in there.

We had a nice visit with more kids including an 18 month old who did some good screaming. The puppies were completely unfazed but Jack was worried about her a lot. We thought about pinching her to get her to do a little more screaming but decided that wasn’t necessary ;-)

This afternoon, we took the puppies out into the dog yard after I made sure they couldn’t get under the wheelchair ramp or out of the ‘fencing.’ My niece and nephew helped me watch them and took some video with the new flip. With any luck, I’ll get them on Youtube and the link on this page. Since so far, the videos have been taken by me or my niece, you never know what you’ll see but hopefully there will occasionally be at least one puppy. They had BIG fun and surprised (and scared) me by going up the 2 steps to the decking of the wheelchair ramp. They cavorted all over the yard and deck and had some lunch in the pool. My nephew squirted them with the water crayon gun. It was not quite as unbearably hot today but it’s not cool enough to just be out there with no precautions for the puppies.

The girls helped me holler the magic word while the puppies ate their last meal tonight. I need to start using the whistle as well. They absolutely LOVE the cat scratching post ring. I tied a toy to the top of it today to add some interest but it doesn’t really need much. They’ve also been playing with a tennis ball, water dummies and were really tugging hard on the float line training rope that I tied on the side of the ex pen today. And of course, the paper in the pen is always a big hit.

Tomorrow night they will be 6 weeks old. Where in the world did all of the time go? Their puppy breath has changed a little and Jill (and Sammie) have started requiring slightly different behavior. The pupsters have decided that they REALLY want to do what Jack is doing a lot of the time. Jack is not too thrilled with that idea, especially when they are stealing his monkey paw or ball or chasing after him. He won’t correct them but he will try to avoid them getting to him (to the extent that he still gets to interact with the humans) and then tell us if they are bothering him. Such a good dog!

Maybe we’ll have a weight watchers to report about tomorrow. The weather looks like it will be cooperative for a trip up to the pond this weekend and we should manage to get some real practice in for the big dogs. For now, we are all going to go nighty, nighty, nighty.

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

June 15 Pupdate

Well the little dogs have had quite the big day today. All kinds of new and exciting adventures – if FedEx would ever bring the FLIP package, we could have video of them doing cute stuff. Right now, there are enough other people around that you might even get decent video as opposed to the wide screen hope I’ll be doing. We bought one but I wanted a white one and the waterproof case so I could use it at the pond and water trials. The FedEx people don’t make much of an attempt to deliver things here – and when they do, it’s often not our package. Needless to say, I am not very pleased with FedEx but I digress.

I put the tunnel in their inside room this morning and they really seemed to enjoy that. Pink! and Limey were the first ones through it but they all played on it. Pink! was full of herself this morning running around and around and through the tunnel even after the others went to sleep. She was pretty lively this evening, too.

We had some outdoor time this evening in the grass. I sprayed them with the hose to keep them cool and they seemed to really enjoy that. Then we put their pool out there with some water in it and fed them dinner in there. They weren’t too sure about that but it was worth it for the most part.

I let them all out into the dog yard and they practiced running amok. I had a lot of helpers here to watch them or I wouldn’t have risked it. They were pretty good about coming to me when called so I might not worry as much but I still don’t see me risking it alone.

We each held a puppy while we watched part of a movie. Eventually, they all needed to go pee so we put them back. Until then it was a big cuddlefest. Very sweet little puppies. The puppies definitely seek out human companionship. I haven’t noticed any of them that prefer other dogs (well other than they possibility of nursing on their mother) over people.

Monday, June 14, 2010

June 14 Pupdate

Pupadoos had another good day of sleeping and eating and playing with very little time in between each of those activities. It never ceases to amaze me how very quickly they go from playing hard to dead sound asleep.

They are all eating well in spite of the fact that Jill still nurses them several times a day. She always stands for that now. She’s still doing a really good job cleaning up after them. She’s a little slower if people are in the pen with them but it seems to be only because she has a harder time getting in. We tend to congregate by the entrances – it’s hard to get much further than that wading through puppies who are SOO very happy to see you up close and personal.

This evening I se the ex pen up in the grass in the shady dog yard. It is still very humid but not as bad as during the middle of the day. I carried the puppies out and left them there while I did the evening turn down service. I haven’t been leaving mints on their little pillows- maybe because they don’t have little pillows. They aren’t that spoiled Cindi ;-) At least 3 of the puppies took that opportunity to poop. The more they get used to doing that outside, the faster training will go.

When it was time to bring them back in, I tried a little experiment: I put Pink! on the decking of the wheelchair ramp and grabbed another puppy. Then I carried him and called her. She did pretty well – coming to me from about 5 feet away and following me into the house. There were 3 puppies left and rather than making 2 trips, I put Limey on the deck and scooped up the other 2 boys. Then I called Limey and he followed me right into the house and up to the entrance of the pen. He is really quite the little man right now.

Everybody is taking turns making each other squeal and learning about their teeth and how to appropriately use them. They are strengthening their little bodies and becoming more and more coordinated through play. They are catching on to eating out of the puppy saucer but still get it everywhere. They don’t seem to be climbing into the pan until after all of the food is long gone so I don’t know how they make such a mess with it but they find a way. Yesterday several naps were taken IN the food bowl. I took it out today so no naps occurred in that location. I did not notice a significant decrease in napping so I guess they are ok

At the evening meal, she let them eat some, then nursed them and then let them eat some more. I think I can continue to rely on her instincts so I will. She is definitely losing weight but so far she isn’t too awfully thin thanks to the extra weight we put on her before the breeding. I’ll just make sure she keeps seeing me feed the puppies so she doesn’t feel the need to puke for them anymore.

We have lots of bouncing and pouncing during play and both paws up when they want to be picked up. They aren’t quite coordinated to hold that too well yet and sometimes they fall over backwards. They are pretty used to doing that while playing with each other anyway so it’s not too big a worry. They are fairly tough little pupadoos and getting stronger every day. That’s what all of that sleep will do for you, I guess. Anybody see a segue coming there – you were right we are going to get ready to call it a day. Nighty, nighty, nighty and puppy breath dreams to all of you.

Cindi's Guest Blog

I had so much fun giving the puppies their first Lion trim. They were such good little puppies, they didn’t seem to mind one bit having their butts shaved. (I didn’t shave underneath, too tiny for that.) I was so proud of them, there was no fussing and they all held still with just a little help from Cristi. I was amazed at how much hair came off of each puppy. Wonder what Cristi could make with all that hair. Limey was putting on the Ritz, he came out with a show stack right off the bat. You will have to look at all the photos. The camera has a slight delay, but I tried to get as many shots as I could, the puppies were fairly cooperative. I know a lot of people (including me back in the day) don’t like the Lion trim but, once you see those little butts in that trim, you might just change your mind. I did. These puppies are just adorable, I don’t know how many times I have said they are so cute but they are. I hope you all appreciate all the photos. I am even lying down in the puppy pen to get some of the shots. They do something cute and then the camera can’t react as quick as they can and off they go to something else… The photos that are the easiest to take is when they are asleep. I think some are spoiled when I pick one up another barks at me to get picked up. Anyway work has been tough the last few weeks but all is well when I am in the puppy pen.

Sunday, June 13, 2010

June 13 Pupdate

Rainy, rainy morning so the puppies had to help me clean up their room. As Ann says, many paws make for lighthearted work. I definitely need to expand their room again already so I can close off the pottying part. This will be the last expansion, after this I’ll add crates and then they’ll start sleeping in crates. They are growing up way too fast.

The puppies were more than happy to greet MiMi and DiDi last night and this morning. More people to add to the list and DiDi even has a beard. (What is the holy grail of puppy visitors? Maybe a uniformed fireman with a beard?)

Indy’s Cindi (it has been suggested that that may sound nicer than Dog Cindi. I’m not sure she minds since we got GuideBitch on the back of her last Team Jack shirt) may not get around to writing her part of the blog for a while since she has other things in her life besides puppies. (Poor thing) I’ll make it a separate entry when she writes it.

The puppies have a new game with Doodlebug. I’m not sure how this is fun for her but she continues to play with them. She licks the puppy’s face (oten while someone is holding it.) The puppy licks back, paws at her, chews at her face, etc. Eventually the puppy gets hold of her tongue – AND HOLDS ON! (I’ve encountered those teeth and they are starting to get pretty sharp) Sammie doesn’t growl or anything, she just pulls back until her tongue finally snaps out of their mouth. I’ve known she has a high tolerance for pain since the toenail incident at the water trial (she pulled a toenail COMPLETELY off during the day and we didn’t find out until late that night when we were going to bed and Indy kept after that foot. Quick completely exposed and she let us mess with it and bandage it and clean it and she never even complained) but this has to hurt. She goes right back to playing with them after she gets her tongue back. If it was only one puppy, I’d have to call it the cat but it seems to be a game the whole litter will play.

The ‘tunnels’ are ready to go in the indoor and outdoor play areas next. That should give them (and me) hours of fun filled entertainment.

The puppies definitely watch where people (and dogs) go and wait for them a little while. Their attention spans aren’t that long so they often give up before the people come back but they definitely watch. I make a concerted effort to stay out of the puppy pen when people are visiting them because I don’t want the puppies to ignore them to try to come to me but it’s hard. Jill doesn’t have the same rules. If it’s someone completely new, she even gets in and nurses the puppies just so everybody knows whose they are. It seems to be working out ok at least at this stage of the game since they all seem to like everybody.

Have I mentioned that they are absolutely adorable? It bears repeating. They are staying awake for longer and longer stretches at a time now and playing harder and harder during that time, too. We’ve been having a big tag team cage match at least twice a day and they are starting to chase each other’s tails.

Green managed to get up on the stool tonight. Purple tried and tried so Cindi gave her a little boost but then after she got off to wrestle with another puppy, Green Bela managed to get up there all by herself though. We all cheered and clapped and she seemed to think we were quite strange and then went off the other side. Since it is a stool for people (I use it all of the time for dog showers,) I don’t leave it in there all of the time.

The puppies have gone nighty, nighty, nighty and I am headed that way myself. Sweet puppy breath dreams from

Saturday, June 12, 2010

June 12 Pupdate

I am absolutely exhausted so this will be short. Cindi is supposed to be writing a guest blog for me to post tomorrow anyway since she was here a lot of the day.
Puppies were up and greeting me this morning. They were all sitting there quietly waiting to be greeted (and maybe fed, too.) I planned to go back to bed but the little things are soo cute they just sucker me into staying here with them.
It rained a lot (I wasn’t expecting that) so they didn’t get to play outside in the ex pen today. Bruce and I got the boats in the pond while Indy’s Cindi puppysat. Then she and I worked on the big dogs’ toenails, cut some hair, took them out to play and gave them showers.

Then we lionized the back half of the puppies (and by we, I mean mostly Cindi – I helped by holding the puppies.) We took pictures and Cindi is going to blog about that. They were surprisingly well behaved and were unfazed by the clippers. I have encountered fully grown dogs not nearly that well behave during grooming.

I’ll try to do better tomorrow. The little lions are going to sleep tonight.

Friday, June 11, 2010

June 11 Pupdate

Puppies have been up playing, eating and are sacked out again. They don’t do anything halfway, either. Such cute not so little babies. They are starting to reliably poop after they eat so I am going to start arranging things to make it easier for them to housetrain. I think we’ll just continue trying to establish nice habits. They sort of have the idea about peeing in the potty area but sometimes they “miss.” When they do miss, they are standing in the right place but aiming in the wrong direction. Since they still only go in little amounts, it’s not hard to keep cleaned up. Jill usually races me for it, though. She’s still cleaning up after them – such a good mama dog but I’m glad she doesn’t give kisses like SammieDoodle.

Expecting more company this weekend but the guy who was supposed to come and take pictures with a good camera can’t now. I really hope he makes it before the babies are grown and leaving. It would be nice to have some good ones.

The Flip camera seems to work on my computer. I think I might need to get the cables out because the USB port it plugs into is too close to where my CAT 5 cable connects. I’m also a little uncomfortable with that thing hanging off the back of my computer. If it wasn’t such a pain to learn a new JAWS (I don’t even install the updates most of the time,) I wouldn’t dread thinking about a new computer so much. Anyway, I hope to get some video of the puppies – maybe even the occasional sighted person will take some for us. If Jack is around, it’ll sound like we are making x rated videos no matter who takes it.

Paper is now officially a favorite toy/food. They are very involved in “helping” me when I change out the (unprinted) newspaper. They also have figured out that it is quite fun to rip off a piece and play with it. Paper IS a food group to PWDs, after all.

We had a nice storm this evening but I didn’t take them outside for it. I didn’t have any of the ex pens around front and I only let them do storms on the porch. There should be more storms before they are ready to leave and this one was big enough to notice even from inside. It didn’t last long though.

PurpleBela scared me half to death this evening. I think she got her toe caught in the ex pen or something, she was squalling and Jill and I both went running. Of course, Jill tripped me on the way so I almost fell into the ex pen or tv – I was trying to aim more for the tv so nobody would get hurt (well nobody but me) but I managed not to fall all of the way down. When we got there, she had extricated herself and I couldn’t find any sign of anything hurting. I’ll keep checking her but she’s wrestling with the others again. She didn’t actually take any time off from that since it was nap time when she did it.

(dog) Cindi is coming tomorrow for a big day of playing with puppies (including possible lionization of the back half;) playing in the pond, doing toenails, and some grooming on the big dogs. Bruce is supposed to help me bring the boats back up to the pond tomorrow after he plays golf – no matter what. The boats are staying up here from now on – it always takes way too late into the spring/summer to get them back up to the pond.

Pink! is showing signs of becoming a climber and the pupsters are starting to stalk each other occasionally. Carolina Blue Devil really seems to enjoy this game right now. Sometimes they still hop at each other sideways like kittens but they are acting more and more like little dogs. I guess I need to decide when to take them up to the pond for their first real swim. I’ll keep you posted. Until then, I’m sending puppy breath thoughts…

Thursday, June 10, 2010

June 10 Pupdate 5 Weeks Old Tonight

Puppies ate a nice big breakfast this morning. Jill fed them before she ate and then I fed them and they wallowed in it some and she cleaned it up (mostly) and topped them off.

We (the humans) spread out the load of river rocks this morning over plastic so I had to hose off the deck and the rocks. I still have to put some sort of edging in but at least we’ve cut down on the mud. And of course, I need to put the stepping stones back in so the dogs don’t have to walk in rocks. They just walk in the rocks to pee –it’s funny how all of the dogs – even young visiting dogs naturally try to stay on the stepping stones.

The pupsters had to wait a little while for me to drag everything back onto the deck for an outing. I am not putting them in the new rock until I spray it with bleach again. You never know where those rocks have been – smelled like they’ve been in the bottom of a river or something ;-) It’s pretty hot so it was an outing with their pool and a fan. I misted them with the hose and they seemed to enjoy that. The Brownies came toward it licking the water the whole time. They all came right up to the hose nozzle. I made it “rain” on them a few times too. Their pen area is completely under the ez up so I couldn’t make it rain on the roof and drip off onto them yet. There is plenty of time for all of that. They are only turning 5 weeks old tonight.

We had more visits for the list today - kids, too. The puppies were happy to see everyone.

I am going to post this a little early tonight as I need to work on backing up my computer just in case. More tomorrow…. when they are 5 weeks old.

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

June 9 Pupdate

What’s the best way to make it rain? Dig up your dog yard . We are destined to have lots of mud. Back on the hill, mud is considered fun but in their yard – no way! You expect us to walk in that? Ick. Although mud is on the list of surfaces I want to make sure the puppies experience, I think I’ll wait until we take them up to the pond for swimming.

The puppies had an inside day and played with their toys in their room. They helped me with the linen changes and had a few meals and a few naps and a few cuddles. It was cleaning day so they got to hear the vacuum and other noises.

They had another new visitor – I am only keeping an unduplicated census of people they meet. I need to add him to the list of after 4 weeks old.
(Dog) Cindi came by this evening and played with the puppies and took lots of pictures. They are on Picasa now (the link is on this page.)

The puppies have gotten wise to Jill’s trick to get them away from the gate so she can jump in. She would go to the other side and when the puppies came over to see her through the ex pen, she’d run over to the gate and hop in. Now they won’t leave the gate. I got tired of going over to open the other one (they can go through it so it stay closed) and I made her a second entrance out of closet shelving. I completely forgot I have a little short ferret/puppy ex pen. I’ll get that next time we go to the building and replace my improvised entrance (I had to put vet wrap over the sharp edges.)

They ate all of the beefy goat milk I had made for them at dinner. This is the first time they’ve eaten it all. Usually they start getting distracted and I let Jill in to clean it up and top them off. Tonight she just got to top them off.

They have started to occasionally check to see if Sammie might be able to nurse them (or bite her legs.) It might have to do with the fact that they are eating other things so are trying everything out. Sammie gives them a little noise and they move back to an acceptable interaction. She licks their faces and they chew on hers and bat at her with their paws.

In case you were wondering, they are still incredibly cute.

I’m starting to really worry about my computer. I’d better back it all up again and take some of these pictures off of my hard drive (pictures and downloaded books take up a LOT of room) just in case. I don’t want to lose all(or any) of my puppy stuff.

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

June 8 Pupdate

Good morning, good morning the little dogs say. They come running to the front of the ex pen to greet me. They are getting more coordinated, too so they actually can run. They follow Bruce all around the ex pen when he goes down to do last call for the big dogs, too.

The nicknaming has started hard as I tried to avoid it. BabyBlue is now Carolina Blue Devil (thanks Matt and Erin for putting that idea in my head). I was trying to pretend that Limey wasn’t really a nickname but I’ve given up. It’s just a façade of not getting attached anyway. I doubt nicknames will make me need more than one extra box of fudgesicles when they leave. Pink! is aka Pinky and my little pop star girl (I don’t know anything about the singer other than I’ve heard her name.) Purple and Green alternate being called Bela as one of them might be named Bela. They are GreenBela and PurpleBela and BelaBoo (they both get called that one.) Royal is also Little Prince or T , and Limey is still Limey and Big Boy. Who knows how many nicknames they’ll go through since I talk to them so much.

I actually do make sure that I leave them alone in a room some, sometimes with the big dogs and sometimes without. I haven’t been quite brave enough to leave them alone more than seconds outside. Sammie or Jill usually stand guard anyway. I seriously doubt the coyotes would come down to the house; through the fence; and on the deck of the wheelchair ramp (if I call it that enough it will eventually become that – plus it’s easier than old deck and new deck since the old deck is now part of a room in progress) and through the ex pen to get to the puppies but I’m still not taking chances. Same with snakes or any other manner of creatures. Between me and Jill and Sammie, they aren’t getting our puppies.

PurpleBela and CarolinaBlue carried the monkey paw around a lot today even though it’s bigger than they are. And some of them were dragging around the float line training toy outside. I took pictures but I don’t know which dogs did it. Both brown girls and I think 2 of the black boys. We can’t use Bruce’s old standby as accurately with these puppies. (When he tells me the dogs or the puppies did something or are somewhere and I ask which one, he answers ”the black one”)

The brownBelas have been wrestling with each other a lot today. They are not even matched size wise but that doesn’t stop them. All of the puppies have been playing hard. Testing their strength and teething on each other, I suppose. Bruce will have to get the tunnel next time he’s at Lowe’s or Home Depot.

Pink sits up like she is begging when she is wanting to be pick up. Last night when I was putting the puppies in the “nighttime” ex pen area –she cam over and sat and then put her front feet up for her turn. They all enjoy being carried and the boys will put their front feet up when I start picking them up but this is the first time I’ve been close enough to see this behavior.

I held a weight watchers meeting today. It’s getting more difficult to keep them on the scale. They either try to go on about their business or they sneak a foot or two off and I have a moment of panic that they have lost weight. But here are the most reliable results I could get (when I get the same reading twice, I go with it.)
Royal is 6 lbs; Pink! is 5lbs as is PurpleBela; CarolinaBlue is 6.2lbs; GreenBela is 5.8lbs; and Limey is 6.4 lbs. We have 34 lbs of PWD puppiness.

We spent more time outside today since I got the ez ups out and up. They played in and out of the pool, took a few naps and supervised me trying to dig a ditch. They encouraged me to take lots of breaks so I wouldn’t get too tried. I have most of the drainage ditch dug but we still have to dig out where it will tie into the foundation drain. The ground is too hard to do it carefully and I don’t have enough vision to swing the mattock reliably close to the house. If Bruce has time to fix the little tiller, I might be able to do it that way. I still have to dig out for the edging to hold the river rocks inside the designated area. In case I haven’t mentioned it before, we are putting in a section of river rock to replace the one covered up by the wheelchair ramp deck. It’s easier on the grass when they pee in the rock area than on our grass. No wonder it’s so easy to hurt the grass, it’s a wonder any can grow in that clay. We don’t flatter ourselves that it is a lawn, we count clover, weeds, etc as long as it’s green. Now we can just say we are doing it for the ecological diversity. Anyway, I think I may let the puppies play in the ditch before we put the pipe in and cover it all back up. Wonder how many of them will try to dig in the dirt? They are still kind of young for that (I hope) but you never know.

They were nice and quiet while I was on the phone for my training club meeting. Well behaved puppies already ;-) I think they may have been tired from their big day.

We’ve had a big day so it’s one more romp with the puppies and then nighty, nighty, nighty time for us.

Monday, June 7, 2010

June 7 Pupdate

Adventures, adventures! The weather was much less hot and humid today so after I got back up from my morning migraine nap, I took the puppies out on the deck. I enlarged the ex pen and hung a sheet for some shade for them. I put a little water in the wading pool for them and they got in and out some. I cleaned their inside room while they were getting some new environmental stimulation. Sammie stayed on guard outside and Jill laid just inside the storm door to observe and report.

While their floor dried, I sat outside with them and threw the ball for Jack and a dummy for Sammie. Jill went in and out of their pen to check on them and give them a snack. After I put down their clean linens, I sat in the ex pen with them to be swarmed. There’s not much like a puppy swarm ;-) I have to remember to sit where Jack can hand me the ball over the side next time though. The sun came out a little more and they were getting sleepy so I brought them back in. All of them are pretty good about coming to the gate when I call (or just appear) but a couple were sleeping and had to be carried the whole way.

After they napped, they got a visit from a golfing friend of Bruce’s and his 2 children. The children and I played with the puppies while they went up to work on golf clubs. The older child has generally been afraid of dogs but Jack has won him over with his willingness to retrieve for him (children seem to enjoy having someone to boss around.) They weren’t quite as thrilled with the puppy swarm (they were a little worried about them biting them even though they don’t have the vicious little needle teeth yet) but had really good time and plan to come back. I think they especially enjoyed being encouraged to make a lot of loud strange noises.

All of the puppies have the hang of eating out of the puppy pans now. I make sure Purple and Pink get their fair share since they are smaller (they are not tiny by any stretch of the imagination but they are littler so I watch them more closely) and then let Jill in to clean up the pan and top off the puppies.

We brought the ez-up shade canopies and more ex pens up from the buildings this evening so I can take the pupsters outside more. I have some digging to do on the dog yard improvements and they can watch as long as it’s not too hot. They’ll have their pool and shade and if necessary, a fan. I am not sure if I will be bringing them off of the decking yet though. Have to save some adventures for later.

Time to get ready for nighty, nighty, nighty. Puppy breath to you all.

Sunday, June 6, 2010

June 6 Pupdate

The puppies are one month old tonight. They had a big day, too. They got to go outside for a little while so I could clean up their inside world. I’m not sure they are impressed since they don’t get to go anywhere but the deck at this point but they got some fresh air.

They got to hear the vacuum cleaner when I brought them back in (seemed unimpressed but I can understand that. I’ve never been a big fan of running the sweeper.) Eventually they got to have some company, too. They got to meet some more children including a little boy who was in a carrier back when SammieDoodle’s litter were tiny puppies and his sister who remembers that visit. 5 more people for the post 4 week old visitors list. They have a PWD as well – we met when we had the last litter and they had recently moved to the area. It turns out that their PWD is Jill’s half sister and is near the same age. Unfortunately, Jill is not showing her any sisterly devotion while she has puppies. She needs to come play when Jill isn’t on MamaDog duty so she can come inside the house, too.

The children seemed to like that the puppies don’t have those needle teeth yet (I suspect everyone appreciates that.) They are getting more teeth coming through their gums all of the time though. They will learn to be more careful with their mouths when they actually have teeth that can hurt each other. For now, they can bite each other’s mouths with abandon.

They are starting to stay awake and active for longer stretches but they aren’t all on the same schedule. At least it isn’t like having multiple babies and them waking each other up. These puppies can sleep while another one chews on its head.

Our other visitors are also PWD people -that just about covers all of the PWD people in the state ;-) They kindly wore hats for us. We wear them outside but it’s different when it’s us vs other people. I need to remember to wear long pants around them some, too. I hope we have a cool day or too for that.

So far all of the puppies have been happy to see everybody and everyone has been happy to see them. I took their collars off when I gave them baths yesterday and they all seemed to enjoy streaking (usually only one or two streak at a time.) They are all scratching at the collars since I put them back. Funny how little time it takes for them to go native ;-)

We got a short storm around noon today. Buckets of rain and some thunder that sounded pretty close and after that it cooled off a little. Hope that trend holds so the puppies can spend more time outside. I have a dog yard project planned while they are hanging out with me. They can supervise.

When Bruce got home tonight, he noticed that the puppies are moving around a lot more steadily than when he left. At this age, 4 days can be a huge difference.

In semi related news – it’s dog minutia anyway: (Dog) Cindi and Indy got 2 legs towards his Rally Advanced title at our local trial. Today he had a perfect score!

I’ve had a big day too so I’m going to get them ready for nighty, nighty, nighty.

Saturday, June 5, 2010

June 5 Pupdate

The puppies are all sacked out from their big day. They helped me clean up their room and were especially helpful in spreading out the linens. The trouble is they all have different ideas about what goes best in which spot. They were really cute when they would run under the sheet as I let it fall.

I was a mean breeder today and did NOT put in the vtech piano toy. I wanted them to play with other things, too and this was the best way to make sure that happened. It did so we don’t have to worry about that. One of the funniest things is how they ue the plastic box to jump at the big dogs or while playing with another puppy. They also use it to gain height while seeking attention from people. Smart little puppies. They played with monkey paws, the float line training toy and pretty much everything else in the pen. One of the black ones was playing with Cindi and mouthing her finger when he tried to pull her around by it. When he couldn't make much progress, he tried to shake it to kill it first. They might not have much concept of size even if they are very smart ;-)

They enjoyed some goat milky ground beef too. (Dog) Cindi was here for that. True to form Green and Limey just stuck their heads in the bowl. Pink and Purple waited to be served. Royal was asleep at first so he mostly got his from my fingers, too. Baby blue did it both ways. I let Jill in to clean up and top off the puppies when they were finished.

Pupadoos got their first baths today. They weren’t dirty but I like to introduce it before they need it so we can make sure it’s a pleasant experience. I did it in the laundry sink with the sprayer on the faucet and a cup. I used nice warm water but made sure they encountered the running water, too. Some of the puppies were very into the running water. Some of them didn’t pay any attention to it but nobody tried to get away from it. Limey and Pink settled in for a nap after their towel wrapped cuddle time. Purple was next and after she was almost dry, I put her in to sleep with them under a dry towel. She was having none of that. First she had to go pee (and went to the right spot) and then she had zoomies worthy of her little water dog self. Unfortunately, she couldn’t find another puppy awake enough to play, too. Green and royal were very good for their turns and played a little after their turns but nothing like Purple. BabyBlue was very sleepy when I did his. He kept lying down in the water so I guess he isn’t too concerned with water. Maybe he just thought it was a big hot tub. I didn’t get the water deep enough for anyone to try to swim.

After (dog) Cindi left, the puppies got some more new exposures. I turned on the security system and forgot to disarm it before I let the big dogs out. The puppies got to hear the sirens and the very loud “Intruder.” I got to the phone in time to keep them from dispatching the police (although that would have gotten the puppies to meet a uniformed officer.) Then the neighbors started setting off fireworks. The puppies slept through ALL of that so I guess at this point they aren’t sound sensitive ;)

They have more visitors scheduled for tomorrow so we’d better get ready to go nighty, nighty, nighty. Puppy breath to all

Friday, June 4, 2010

June 4 Pupdate

6 pretty little 4 week old puppies say good morning, good morning! Hurry, hurry – come over here and see us! I have to finish greeting the big dogs before I can get over to them though. I know they look forward to seeing me because they don’t look to me for food yet and I don’t bring them the toys first thing either. It’s nice to be so loved ;-)

I took them out onto the ex pen on the deck while it was still cook and shady this morning. I got Jill to help me try leading them from their inside area to the outside area. They weren’t all watching her (some were on the other side of the pen) so it did take 2 trips and I did have to carry most of them the last little way (especially since Jill wasn’t going in the ex pens.) When it was time to bring them back in, I carried the first 2 and then tried the leading way. I don’t know how Jill and SammieDoodle communicated between the 2 of them but they each ‘guarded’ a set of puppies while I did the shuttling of puppies. Guess Jill has found another way to let SammieDoodle help. Reminds me of the very large families where the older siblings help raise the younger ones ;-)

I put unprinted newspaper in their area today and didn’t cover it all up. The puppies navigated it pretty well and were quite happy to rearrange it. I put in a few small pieces to see their reactions and they found those pretty quickly. Those pieces were carried around like the greatest of prizes. Only Limey pulled on a large piece hard enough to rip off the piece not held down by another puppy. She didn’t seem at all surprised, just gamboled around with her prize. (I started to say trot but what they do now isn’t generally trotting in the strictest sense of the word.)

They had semi solid food today at lunch. Ground beef soaked in goat milk warmish. Sounds appetizing, doesn’t it? Add to that the fact that I give it to them off of my fingers add you have a real treat. Well, I started giving to them from my fingers. Green girl just came over and stuck her head in the bowl and started eating. They boys quickly caught on to that as well. Pink and Purple girls ate from my fingers like the cooperative puppies they should be ;-) I had to keep feeling them to make sure nobody got too much. I can’t be certain they wouldn’t overeat.

The puppies have visitors scheduled this weekend. We have a lot of things on our To Do list and if they finish those, we’ll find more. Wonder if I could convince (dog) Cindi to speed on the way to the CERFs/evaluations so they could meet a policeman in uniform ;-) The UPS guy is here so often that I don’t think it will be a problem for them to meet delivery people.

We got a nice box of toys from “Grandma Jane” for the BooBabies in the mail today. At least some of them will go home with the puppies. If we start playing with them now, there may not be anything left by the time they are ready to leave.

Pink has been obsessed with the buckets (Jill’s dry food and water ) hanging on the side of the pen today. She’s played under them, batted them, etc. Limey is now trying really hard to get into the food bucket (I moved the water bucket so Jill didn’t have to go in to get a drink.) He had his head in the bowl but I don’t think he got any of the food. I am going to have to change it to the puppy food just in case – I don’t want anyone to choke.

I’m already thinking about their first haircuts. Maybe I can convince Bruce to start doing their little lion butts before too long. Maybe not but a girl can dream. ;-) Speaking of dreaming, the puppies have had an active dream life today. Squeaking and twitchy and some rolling around. Wonder what’s in their little heads while they do that? Maybe if I go nighty, nighty, nighty they’ll tell me (or at least I’ll get some rest.)

Thursday, June 3, 2010

4 Weeks OLD!

Happy birthday little Jillyboobabies! 4 weeks old tonight.

They had a big day. The mama dog regurgitated a little for them so that means I start working on giving them food tomorrow. Ground meat in goat milk is on the menu. Gross as it is, they caught right on to what was going on. She was so careful to make sure she had their attention before she did it and then she let them nurse some afterward, too.

The puppies also had a trip outside. I needed to rearrange the puppy pen so that I can close off the play area during the night. They’ll just have the potty and sleeping area at night so they can start learning to hold it. I set them up an ex pen and kept checking on them while I hurriedly re-did the enclosure. I think I fixed it so that people who are sitting on Bruce’s couch can still see the tv (but I still maintain that anyone in there should be much more interested in puppies than the tv,) too. I was worried that they were getting too hot so I brought them back in and put them in the pool that is partially under the pew across from their pen. They seemed to thin that was great fun. They’d ‘hide’ under it and pounce out or run back and forth. The upside is only one puppy escaped from the pool while I was finishing up.

(Dog) Cindi and Casie came by this evening to help celebrate the babies’ birthday. The puppies seemed to enjoy them. A couple of the puppies even started doing the head shake to “kill” what they had in their mouths (in this case Cindi’s finger and Casie’s arm.) They all go through that stage but this is the first time they’ve done it. The baby blue boy would wag his little tail at Cindi and when she talked sweet to him, he’d wag his tail even faster. They are getting more and more coordinated. I guess that’s what happens but it is always surprising how fast they progress.

The puppies are also developing their own sense of style. I spread a sheet out on their floor and after they played with Cindi and Casie for a few minutes, they redecorated. One puppy got hold of the corner and pulled it back across to the other side. They’ve been pulling around the towels and rugs I put down for them but they usually just get started when another puppy steps on it and they come to an abrupt halt. Unimpeded, apparently they can make some real progress.

Can’t believe the babies are half way to 8 weeks old. Buy stock in fudgesicles, people. I’m going to need a lot of them before too long. For now, I’ll go enjoy some puppy breath while I still can. Nighty, nighty, nighty.

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

June 2 Pupdate

Puppies, puppies, puppies! They are actually starting to carry the smaller toys around with them at times. They are also pulling on the float line training toy that I alternate between hanging on the ex pen and leaving on their floor. They play with it either place, just differently. I haven’t observed any tug of war between puppies yet but they have pulled on objects.

It was bound to happen and today it did – I quicked a toenail. It was just a little and it barely bled but the puppy whimpered and Jill wanted to know what I was doing to her baby. I’ve been trimming their nails with them lying on their backs on my chest in the recliner. I use people fingernail clippers but their hair is getting long and keeping me from getting clean clips. I let her right herself and we had a little cuddle before I did a few more of her nails. I also filed them a little after that. I am trying to get them accustomed to both. We’ll probably give Dremeling a go before they leave but (dog) Cindi is the Dremeler. I keep the hair out of the way.

Jill’s flag has been deemed a very fun toy. I guess they are getting enough to eat since they were playing with her flag instead of nursing. She feeds them while she stands a couple of times a day. I’m not sure how she decides the difference but she seems to know best.
Jill is willing to join me and the dogs for some exercise in the mornings. It is fairly hot and humid so I’ve been taking them before I’d normally be up if we didn’t have puppies. Jill even went wading in the pond at the end of our trek today. I didn’t dry her hair after her shower so she stays damp for a long time. That’s another reason to go early in the day, maybe she’ll be dry enough by bedtime that she doesn’t mildew ;-)

We brought up the ex pen for outside and some additional pieces for the inside area. I am going to start leaving out Jill’s pool since the puppies can get into it now too. That means I need to create a smaller space for them so they potty naturally in the designated area. They are moving away from where they sleep but they aren’t always going on the pan. Baby steps since I want them to learn to decide where is a good place to go. I think they may get a little outside on the wheelchair ramp in progress (most people would call it a deck but it’s actually going to be a wheelchair entrance to 2 different doors. The flat part was the first completed. But, as usual, I digress.) this weekend. I’ll have to be careful that they don’t get too warm. The front porch may end up being a better spot. We’ll give a full report when it happens ;-)

We have some new teeth in a few of the puppies. They are gnawing on each other with their swollen gums and their little tiny tooth points with abandon. When those teeth really start coming in, they will start teaching each other how to be careful. And if they don’t catch on from each other, Jill will teach them. I wonder if SammieDoodle will tell them not to bite. (Jack doesn’t tell other dogs stuff like that but he will ask me to make them stop.) There’s always something to look forward to with puppies. I was thinking about the best way to do their first swim while the “big dogs” were playing in the pond this morning. If this weather keeps up, we’ll get pleanty of chances when the puppies are ready. For now, I need to prepare their pen for nighty, nighty, nighty time and get some cuddles and sniff some puppy breath while they still have it.

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

June 1 Pupdate

Good morning, good morning the littlest dogs say. Unless they are sound asleep, they greet everybody happily. I was in the kitchen when Bruce went in the rubber room to take Jill out for last call and the puppies started talking to him, too. So very, very adorable.

This morning after I changed out their linens, I added a couple of new items into their play pen. Baby blue boy tried to climb in to the plastic mesh basket that I keep their toys in at night but their little feet can still go through so I moved him until I got it turned over. He moved on to something else but the brown girls were right there waiting. Green girl climbed onto it so I tried to take pictures. (I put them on Picasa.) After she got down (she had to chase her sister,) Limey gave it a go but didn’t quite get all of him on there before he needed to chase the Browns. I think they've all been on it by now.

The puppies do care whether the vtech piano toy is on or off. They prefer something to happen when they paw it or climb all over it. After a daytime meal, they were having playtime and Doodlebug went in to play with them. They were chasing her and pawing at her face and biting at her feet. She seems to like it and licks their faces as long as they (or we) will let her.
They aren’t trying to nurse on her, I guess she smells different enough that they know the difference. Jill went in to clean up some little messes while SammieDoodle was still there and several of them ran over to nurse on her. Smart little things.

They eat with determination, play with gusto and sleep like the dead. Occasionally, they make little groans and moans in their sleep and do some twitching. One of the puppies was working on a howl this morning but Jill ran over to check on him and he stopped.

I'm going to play with the puppies and get their pen ready for nighttime. Jill usually runs in to feed them again while I do that as if I am going to lock her out all night. She's such a good mother. Nighty, nighty, nighty.