The xray seems to show 6 puppies and they appear to be doing ok but not calcified enough to be born yet. They did a progesterone test and it had dropped significantly. Fortunately, they did the test in house (we came to Animal Clinic Northview; THE repro specialists) so we got the results in time to do something about it. A progesterone shot on Saturday night seemed to do the trick and we got another test and check Monday morning.
There followed several days of progesterone tests, hanging out in Cleveland (I think Cindi caught up on some of her missed sleep with daily naps) temperature monitoring and another progesterone shot. We were trying to hold her off until Friday afternoon (day 62) but her temperature dropped significantly Thursday afternoon and stayed down into the evening.
Somewhat as an aside, I sure miss Jack and Sammie the Doodlebug (missing my husband goes without saying.) I haven't gone this long without Jack since he finished his training to be my service dog guide. It's a lot harder to get by without him than I realize but the one time I did have to take Jill out without Cindi and I used the dreaded white cane, Jill did help me find the door and the turns and even the right room (that part helped since the motel room door did NOT have raised numbers or Braille. I had counted doors and we put the tag on the door to help as well.)
I'm not sure whether it was harder being without Jack or a computer that has JAWS (screenreader) AND an internet connection but the combination ofthe two was not at all pleasant. The motel had wifi but my computer quit recognizing the card a while back.
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