Thursday, May 13, 2010

1 Week Old!

Happy 1 week birthday little pups! They've certainly grown and they can motor around the whelping box. So far, none of them have gotten out but their eyes aren't open yet either. I'll have to prepare the floor for more mobile puppies soon. We'll have the ex pen fort again before long.

There are a lot of new pictures on the picasa site now: There are a couple of pictures of Jack and SammieDoodle too this time. Jack is the one with his head in the gate of the ex pen waiting for me to throw his monkey paw and SammieDoodlebug is in her spot on duty right outside the ex pen. She spends a lot of time there just in case she should be needed.

The weight watchers meetings are getting more difficult to conduct. 4 of the puppies got an ERR reading on the scale - it only goes up to 26 oz. I need to find another one like my old one. We are going to have to switch to the less accurate bathroom scale but I guess at this point, we don't really need to worry much. The other 2 are going to be too big for the scale in a day or less. They were eating when the meeting started - Bruce had to pull a couple off and you could hear the suction pop loose. They take their responsibility very seriously.

They were very quiet last night and since Bruce wasn't home to be on the night shift, I kept waking up to check on them for being too quiet.

The pupsters are all singing at the bar, you think they know they are Irish? One of them can bark already. I don't know which one it is and it doesn't happen often but it is actually a distinct little bark not like the baby alligator in distress call I expect to hear.

Puppy yoga, Jill's midnight snack (another puppy food and cheese omelet, yum!) and then we'll all try to go Nighty, nighty, nighty. I don't sing the 3 songs to these puppies yet because their ears aren't open but I figure it's only a matter of time.

Puppy breath to you all and to all a good night!

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