Monday, May 17, 2010

May 17

Today was a pretty quiet day for the puppies. They spent the majority of the day lounging around sleeping. I know they are supposed to do that but it worries me when they are too quiet. They liven up plenty fast when they can reach Jill so I try not to worry.

Jill's doing a good job on consuming sufficient calories each day and it certainly seems that the puppies are consuming enough calories as well. They are pudgy little things and seem quite content.

No eyes are open yet. I am waiting until they do to look up when the last litters' eyes opened so I don't sit around counting the days until it "should' happen. Their little ears are working on it though.

Wonder what they will be up to tomorrow. I need to try to get some pictures. I don't think we've taken any in a while.

That's all for now.

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