Saturday, May 15, 2010

May 15 Pupdate

The little ones were pretty quiet today. I managed to take a long nap on the couch beside them after Jill ate her first lunch. There's really no point in trying to call the meals anything she pretty much has to graze to get her calories.

I did give Jill a shower with all of the proper precautions. I didn't completely dry her hair but I did use the force dryer (not on any sensitive areas) and towels to get her to just damp. Before I bathed her, I put big woolly fleece pad in the whelping box so they didn't get cold and to soak up any moisture. None of the puppies got cold but it did help them get traction to climb. 3 of them decided they likes sleeping up the side but nobody climbed out. Baby blue boy came close but he was climbing on his mother. Jill is pretty clever about gently dislodging them so that they tumble where she wants them.

Jill's incision is healing nicely. It still feels and smells ok and I had Bruce look at it last night and it looked good. It won't be took long before it's time to remove her stitches.

Puppies are fat little butterballs, just the way I like them. Ears are opening but I don't think their eyes are yet. They are snuggly little babies, (also just the way I like them.) It's time for them to do puppy yoga and go nighty, nighty, nighty.

1 comment:

  1. Cracked me up when you called them little ticks yesterday! That's what Susan always called the RR pups when they were tiny.
    And of course hearing the nighty, nighty, nighty at the end was perfect!
    Hugs to them all!
