The Doodlebug has been wanting to get up VERY early (well early for us 6:30 or 7 am) - to see what the puppies are doing, I think. If I am going to get Jill to consume all of those calories, I have to start pretty early anyway and I am getting good at napping on the couch. Jack learned how to cuddle up and nap when we had the last litter (I can't believe that was 3 years ago) so he naps with me sometimes. If he doesn't curl up with me, Sammie does. (It's one of the few things when they defer to him - it may be all about Jack but the bitches definitely rule.)
The puppies little eyes and ears may not be working yet but their noses sure are. They were quietly (sleeping I suppose) hanging out in the whelping box and Jill had gone out to walk the plank. When she came back, Sammie walked by first and nothing happened but as soon as Jill got beside the whelping box, they started squeaking and scrambling in her direction.
They've reached another milestone - they seem to be able to poop on their own at least part of the time now. Jill is quick to clean it up (gross but SOO much nicer than a bitch that doesn't do it. Jill keeps nice clean puppies) but a couple of times she has gone in to get it after the fact.
Trimmed all of their toenails today. They were cooperative for the most part. The big dogs all need their nails done, too but we'll wait for Cindi to come and we'll Dremel them. The dogs are good for clipping, too but I always end up quicking at least one and they bleed everywhere. The dogs don't acknowledge the quicking, they don't like waiting around for the bleeding to stop.
Weight watchers results (with the not as accurate bathroom scale): The girls (pink, purple and green) 2 lbs each; Royal and Limey 2.2 lbs each and Babyblueboy 2.4 lbs. Nice big butterball puppies, growing like weeds.
Time for puppy yoga and nighty, nighty, nighty. Puppy breath to all and to all a good night.
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