So far today, none of the puppies have gotten out of the box by themselves. Royal and the brown girls (Green and Purple) were trying so I took each of them out alone. They don't move around much with that freedom - I think they may actually have been trying to get picked up. Spoiled much?
The little Pink girl has a definite penchant for playing ostrich (she has a very lax definition of sand though.) Starting with the night she was born, she likes having her head under something. It used to be that she preferred putting it under her mother's head or tail or leg. Now she makes do with burrowing under the bedding or sometimes the other puppies. If I am carrying her around, she likes to be up on my neck with her head under my hair. It's strictly a sleepytime thing for her; she doesn't hide when she's awake.
The puppies are definitely working at playing now. They play with each other and me. Of course they are incredibly cute doing it.
I had an impromptu weight watchers meeting today and Limey weighed in at 4 lbs! The other 2 boys were 3.8 and the girls were 3.4/3.6 Since the scale is not necessarily accurate for squirmy little puppies, I do it twice to make sure. At this rate, they will be too big for the talking kitchen scale when it comes in a couple of weeks.
Jill is spending more time on the couch now but she is right there if they make a noise like they need her. And she still feeds them a lot (I guess that's obvious given the results of the weight watchers meeting.) She sometimes just picks her head up to decide if they are going to need her or not but she's right there when it's potty time.
Sammie generally waits until I pick up a puppy to get close but she will make a pass by the box when Jill is feeling benevolent. I think I could train SammieDoodle to do anything if I let her see a puppy after she accomplished the task. She REALLY likes them.
Jack isn't particularly interested in them but he's not afraid of them either. Jill took his monkey paw and left it in the puppy box for some unknown reason today (maybe she thought that should be their toy for today.) When she left the box, Jack did go take it back but he didn't put a foot in the box to do it and he backed out as soon as he had a tooth on it. I'm not sure if the puppies were heading for it or not but I know they weren't there yet because he won't take anything from another dog. I don't know how much of that is his service dog training and how much of it is just innate. (Sammie and Indy can still take toys out of his mouth.) He's tolerant but he doesn't want to encourage them to get too interested in his toy or his flag.
I have some more chores to take care of before we all go nighty, nighty, nighty so I guess I'll wrap this entry up. Cyber puppy breath to all!
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