Tuesday, May 11, 2010

May 11 pupdate

Today is a big day here. I got my first whiff of puppy breath! I didn't notice it the other days but nobody had yawned right in my face yet either (do you think I was boring them?)

All of the black puppies' noses are completely black now. I had to change the collars on the brown girls and I think their noses are darker too but I can't really tell for certain. I'll have Bruce check when he gets home tonight. He has to help me hold a weight watchers meeting so he can look then.

Jill's incision seems to be healing well. It's way down in her cleavage so it's not easy to check or clean but she cooperates. She doesn't seem to be itching from her razor stubble as much now either. Her 5 o'clock shadow has progressed into big time George Michael long shave.

I discovered how to copy and paste into Blogspot so now I can write throughout the day (you'd think this would be a better entry in that case wouldn't you) and I downloaded Picasa so I don't have to do pictures 5 at a time. I think I have it set up so that it might be user friendly, it makes sense when you listen to it anyway -it's always important that your pictures sound good, isn't it ;-)

Pupsters were quieter through puppy yoga last night and a couple almost got off the cold towel before their time was up. May have to use a bigger towel so they don't wriggle away.

We have over 8 pounds of puppies now. We didn't weigh them yesterday but they've gained over 2 pounds in the last 2 days. No wonder their little collars needed changed. Purple girl weighs 19.2 oz so I'm not going to worry about her any more. Well, at least not more than I worry about all of them in general ;-)

Puppy breath to all of you!

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