Monday, November 9, 2020

11/9/2020 Pupdate

Another lovely day to spend the afternoon outside!  We wait until noonish so that the sun can come over the hill and warm things up a little and stay out until it gets dark (before 6 pm ;-(, I am not a fan of this time of year).  There is no hesitation about going into the yard and they are a little insistent about going under the grill but I finally secured that (I think, I’m sure one of them will show me if I have not)

A smarter choice would have been to set up the mickey mouse fencing and other additions BEFORE taking the puppies outside but I eventually managed to get it secured.  I put the top to a large varikennel beside the door with a bed on top for Phoebe so she can keep watch but not be within range of 7 kids hollering “Mom!” Over and over. She still nurses them and cleans up after them and plays with them some but she doesn’t feed them on demand these days so she needed an escape.  They play with Deja and they sometimes follow Great GrammieSammie but they don’t try to nurse on them. Smart puppies.  

They really wanted to be near my face today.  When I held anybody or sat in the playhouse with them or cuddled in the pen, everybody was adamant about it.  I don’t recall noticing that in other litters but it’s certainly not a bad thing.  They’ve also suddenly decided that they need to be right where I am about to put my foot. It’s a skill they mastered apparently while sleeping.

While they were sleeping this afternoon, I put the cans back on the adventure cube (I never know what to call that thing, it’s like a mobile that they can grab and destroy but it doesn’t actually move so it isn’t a mobile and managed to get it onto the deck without dismantling it.  Whatever it is, they LOVE it and were very excited to have the cans back on it.  I hung a ball on a rope toy on it, too and they were playing a puppy version of tetherball on it (or what I imagine tetherball to be. I never understood that thing, nobody ever played it or explained any kind of purpose/rules to it).

They were in and out of the castle sandbox a lot today and were also enjoying climbing in the upside down lid to it.  It has a dome on the top so when the climb in, it’s like a rocking wobble basket for them.  I tried to get video but I my phone was charging (again). 

They keep being cute and demanding my attention (by being adorable) now so I’m going to go play with puppies before they eat again and we all go Nighty, nighty, nighty. Puppy breath to all!

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