Wednesday, November 11, 2020

11/11/20 Pupdate

It’s been an ugly rainy day here today so the pupsters didn’t get to go outside.  I think they missed it too judging by the wilding this evening.  If puppies could do zoomies, they would have!

Botox is tomorrow which, coupled with the rain means I didn’t have a great day.  I napped beside the puppies after their breakfast and they were mostly quiet enough to let me. Eventually, there were things I needed to do so I did them.  Between the rain making mud and Phoebe dripping milk, the rubber room needs cleaned each day and there are puppy linens, too.  Add to that some of the blankets I still needed to do from the swim yesterday.

Of course, the puppies also need attention so there was some cuddling and playing and carrying and and ;-). I don’t think it will be long before I have to keep the gates of the pen closed.  They definitely understand that is how it get out and they are quite intent on climbing whatever they have the opportunity to attempt to scale.  If I try to take the stool in to sit while I interact (it feels like a kindergarten teacher or librarian at story time), they swarm it before I can sit down.  I can get one or two puppies off but there are 5-6 more ready to take their place.

I can’t decide whether it’s more like Gulliver and the Lilliputians or the dinosaurs that hunt at a group in Jurassic Park but they certainly create quite a swarm.  It’s like ventriloquism except they seem to have managed to throw their teeth/paws instead of their voices.  No, it’s like being a teen pop star!  Most of us will never be as popular as with a litter of puppies, especially PWD puppies.  So far, they haven’t torn y clothes but they certainly like to grab whatever they can.  They manage to carry a flip flop, too.  I can’t believe how they are growing.

I apologize for this not being a better post but I’m losing the migraine battle for today.  The Grandma/Aunties are coming to help and puppysit while I go get my shots tomorrow.  Fingers crossed for a lot less hurling than the last 2 times (hurling is from the migraine, not the shots) but I’m certain the puppies won’t be neglected even if I’m out of commission for much of the day.  So we’ll say Nighty, nighty, nighty.  Puppy breath to all!

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