Thursday, November 5, 2020

11/4/2020 Pupdate

Oh my, these puppies are something!  And so very helpful just like all PWDs.  I’ve been taking different ones with me when I do laundry (I do a lot of laundry with puppies) or go to the bathroom or anything I can do one handed throughout the day and they look around at what I’m doing.  Since we are always accompanied by all of the big dogs, if I have to put it down, there are plenty of babysitters right there. 

They were sleepig when I went in to change their linens but that didn’t last.  So I had help doing that as well.  It makes it take a little longer but it’s good for them to encounter lots of things while they are still in the neophilia stage.  They are also really really cute whyen they are exploring as well.  They are getting better at grabbing moving objects (my toes, pant legs, legs, arms, toys, etc.) and I think they recognize food dishes but it may be combined with the scent.

So far today, I haven’t tried to feed them the soaked pureed kibble and they’ve eaten much more enthusiastically.  Which coincides with getting a lot more food all over them but it’s still really really cute.  They clean each other and their mama cleans them up but I’ve still needed to wipe them off with a damp washcloth a few times.  It’s about time to give them baths but we’re trying to wait for someone to be here to cuddle them in towels afterward.  It’s a lot more of a perk than a chore.

They met 3 more new people today - they’re up to 9.  We still have a lot to go but that’s not a bad start for 5 days (and in a Pandemic so a variety of masks, too). If the weather stays nice, we might be able to go meet some people outside - kids and men are always harder to come by for us.

Today, I put in more small toys and they are able to carry them while they moved.  They are also pretty good at moving the blankets, fleece, beds, etc. as I am putting them in place.  It appears that they are budding little interior decorators so I’m making sure  I put in some things they can move around. The crinkly cat tunnel continues to be popular but I take it in and out to make sure they don’t get too used to it.  They move it around enough during their play that I don’t have to do that part ;-)

I washed the outdoor toys with bleach today and it’s not supposed to get so cold tonight.  Maybe I’ll be able to set the playhouse up and we can go outside a little tomorrow.  It’s hard to get sunshine time on the deck this time of year though but we don’t need long excursions yet anyway.

Nighty, nighty, nighty and puppy breath to all!

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