Wednesday, November 25, 2020

11/24/20 Pupdate

It was another cold morning here today. There was ice in the containers outside and the weather on iffen said snow flurries.  We didn’t notice any but it was certainly cold enough.  The puppies were perfectly happy to play in the cold but I evenutally brought them back inside because I was cold.

The dog door performances yesterday were not a fluke.  Several of them definitely know what they are doing (and I come in to check on them and they are just rolling around on the floor with their Mama). I eventually blocked off the dog door and they told me they were NOT happy with that turn of events

AuntGrandma Cindi came today.  She got to feed them lunch (well hand out the food puzzle toys) and watch them work out how to eat.  We were both a little chilly out there but the puppies were not.  They further demonstrated that by getting in and out of the water in the crate and castle sandbox.  

We took them for a little walk out in the ‘big yard’.  They were really cute exploring.  They got a little further afield than I’d have preferred on my own but they were very good to come back when summoned.  They say I just can’t be pleased because when they were staying right under my feet, I wanted them to move a little further ahead or behind or beside.  In my defense, I haven’t managed levitation just yet.  We thought that might help tire them out so we could come inside but they seemed to find it exhilarating.  One of them kept going back to the gate requesting (demanding) that we go again.  

Eventually, we gave up on them getting tired and just brought them inside anyway.  A couple of them went to sleep after a few minutes but some continued to play for a while. We dremeled their nails while they were relaxed although nobody slept through it.  They were good for it but awake.  They grow nails like it’s their job.  I need to start using the cat clippers on them when we don’t dremel them.  Nighty, nighty, nighty.  Puppy breath to all

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