Thursday, November 5, 2020

11/05/2020 Pupdate

It is now daylight at about 6 am but the puppies aren’t insistent about getting up.  Thank goodness because I am NOT an early morning person.  They played a little somewhat quietly for several minutes before I got up and when it became obvious I was awake, they all ran over to the gate to say good morning.  I couldn’t get up until the big dogs had finished saying good morning, though. 

About 6:30, they ate a hearty, healthy (for puppies) breakfast of meat/oat/formula mixture followed by dessert of rice cereal goat milk smoothie.  I think they do better in the smaller UFO dishes so I’ve been using 2 of those at each meal.  Only occasionally do I feel the need to move someone to a better spot.  I probably don’t actually need to do that anyway but I’m nothing if not meticulous about the puppies.

4/7 immediately pooped, funny how I automatically start counting poops again.  When we become a little more cincerned with house training, it’s extra important that I know they’ve all pooped before we go back inside or we are more likely to have accidents. Thankfully, PhoeMama is still cleaning up after them.

After breakfast they had a bigger, louder play session.  At times, it sounds like they going to commit mayhem with little tails wagging furiously (but it’s not always the same puppy so I’m not worried about somebody being a bully).  Then they had a nice long nap while I prepped future meals for them.

I took them out onto the deck in the sunshine around noon.  I blocked off the gate to the yard on one side with part of the playhouse and put one of their fleece pieces in the castle sandbox and spread another of their blankets onto the deck.  Most of the deck was shaded by the house but there was enough sunshine for them.  I carried the puppies outside and put them in the castle and then I gave them their lunch on the blanket.  Not all of the puppies are able to easily get out of the sandbox yet so I helped a couple (I didn’t want the others to eat all of the lunch before they got out). Then things got out of (my) control quickly.  They found leaves to play with and explored until I let their GreatGrammieSammie onto the deck.  After she checked them and their dish, she went on about her business and they decided they might go along with her.  That was fine until she decided to take the ramp into the yard and at least one puppy started down with her.  2 more were going under the grill ( an favorite napping place for puppies) and the other 4 were playing with me but I had to run get that puppy because the space between those railings aren’t secured.  I’ll not make the mistake of opening that section again.

The puppies gamboled around and generally had a good time running amok (including the one who breached the defenses at the other gate and went through after knocking over the piece of the playhous) and I decided to bring them back inside before something went amiss.  I carried some and some followed me (they managed to climb up the step through the door) part of the way and eventually everyone was secured in the pen again.  Where they promptly settled in for their long afternoon nap and I contemplated taking up drinking (day drinking at that).  Instead, I finished reassembling the playhouse (except the roof which takes 2 people to get into place) and arranged things better (I hope) for their next outing.  I haven’t finished proofing the porch side in case we go out that way in the event of bad weather.

I’m going to prep their midnight snack since I’ve been having to go to bed before that to get my head to stop hurting (botox next in a week, thank goodness) and try to make sure I get this posted before then.  I thought I’d posted yesterday’s but it was still sitting there this afternoon.  Then I’m going to play with puppies a little more and we’ll say nighty, nighty, nighty.  Puppy breath to all!

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