Monday, November 23, 2020

11/23/20 Pupdate

I snuck inside to go to the bathroom and take my meds this am then brought the babies outside.   I FINALLY had the good sense to fix their breakfast last night so they had a picnic before they had to explain to me how they’ve been starving.  While we were outside playing and running amok, I noticed someone missing during yet another round of duck,duck, goose.  So I went searching for a puppy.  I was pretty sure nobody could get out of the fence after all of the reinforcing yesterday and Phoebe gave one woof from inside so I checked.  She was playing with one of the pupsters,

I brought said puppy back outside.  Moments later, I heard the dog door and Deja was the only big dog outside and he hadn’t left me.  Neither Phoebe nor SDB appeared so I checked and little miss had gone inside again.  I brought her outside.  She played a moment or two and went back inside with the big girls.  This time, I tried calling and she came back.  So the morning outing consisted of her going in and out as she pleased.  When we went back outside after their morning nap, she still remembered so that has been our day.

They are also suddenly better at climbing.  3 of them are ‘this close’ to getting onto the chairs on the deck. One was on top of the play picnic table (it is now upside down in the rocks so they can play safely with it).  I had to move the milk crate away from the edge of the pen because a puppy was on it and eyeballing the fence.  Another was on the yellow stool I keep in the pen in case I don’t want to sit on the floor.  So it gets turned upside down when I’m not right there.

For lunch, I put puppy kibble in 6 different food dispensing toys (simple ones that just drop kibble out as it is moved) and let them share it on the deck.  They were adorable knocking them around and eating the spoils.  They played with the empty toys, too. I had to go searching through the yard to wash and refill them for dinner (but dinner was inside).

I discovered today that if I take away the elevated bed outside of the play house, the puppies will sleep on the one I’ve made cozy with a fleece pad and a bed in the play house.  I can’t close them in but since they will attempt to go out the windows anyway, that’s neither here nor there.  (Wonder how many people have renovated plastic children’s playhouses with bars on the windows) 

They met another new person today.  This time a teenage boy.  They seemed to like each other pretty well.  When it was time for them to leave, he had 3 puppies curled up sleeping in his lap.  Very similar to how I spend a lot of my time these days.  New total: 34!  Nighty nighty nighty, puppy breath to all!

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