Thursday, November 26, 2020

11/26/20 Pupdate

Happy Thanksgiving.  The pupsters have celebrated with lamb ear chewies.  I always find a litter of puppies with chewies amusing and they did not disappoint.  I alway give each puppy their own but, invariably, there are puppies who prefer to chew along with someone else; puppies who have to keep checking to make sure the one they have is as good as the one another puppy has; puppies who immediately take theirs off to chew privately; and puppies who want the others to admire theirs.  Fortunately, nobody fights over them.

We are working on using the remote treat dispenser but it’s a o little difficult for the big dogs to refrain from going in the pen with them when it dings and spews forth cookies.  That’s not a big problem unless SDB goes, too because she can’t hear me call her back out.  She can’t hear it ding but she knows the signs of it having gone off in Deja nd Phoebe.  

It’s finally a half decent day, not too frigid outside and not raining but it’s still plenty wet from the rain in the night.  Since they also like to wallow in the water dished and the bottom of the crate, wet grass and ground doesn’t seem to bother them.  But it gets me wet when I cuddle them (“it was worth it” as my sister would say)

I’ve been gathering the items needed for the temperament evaluations tomorrow.  Or trying to gather them.  The puppies and the big dogs inspect/grab/pounce/lie on pretty much everything I try to pick up.  They are becoming more and more like real PWDs every day ;-)

They demonstrated their climbing skills repeatedly today: they can get into the chairs on the deck now and they continued to demonstrate how they like to look out of the windows of the playhouse (for no reason other than they can - or they like to scare me half to death). Yet, somehow, they manage to be even more adorable than yesterday

Tomorrow is a big day (more so for us than them but they will be meeting more new people) so we’re going to say Nighty, nighty, nighty.  Puppy breath to all!

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