Monday, November 16, 2020

11/16/20 Pupdate

We had a pretty good night in the puppy pen but not as great a morning.  For some reason, Phoebe was lying right outside the pen at 5 am so they were screaming up a storm.  I’m pretty sure she had fed them (she didn’t want to nurse them more) and I have no idea why she stayed right there but after I had her move and sang the 3 songs again, they quieted back down and we all went back to sleep until after daylight.  I hope she doesn’t do that again tonight.

The puppies slept in the open crate again last night - even went back in after the debacle with their mother.  Good puppies, we’re close to ready to sleeping in the crate with the door closed.

I don’t know how they’ve done it but they are even more adorable than yesterday.  The whole group of them piled together in the crate or on the new elevated bed (that just barely doesn’t fit in the playhouse, grrr) or in the playhouse is incredibly endearing.  It’s hard not to cuddle in with them (well, not the crate because it isn’t large enough for all 7 of them and me).  Deja usually joins us but that’s more about cuddling with me than them.

Deja and Phoebe are playing with them more and more.  Today, he managed to play with all of them for quiet a while outside but he knows when to jump up onto a perch (or my lap).  They are figuring out how to climb up onto things, too though so he has to get onto something they can’t climb.  Phoebe just hops over a gate to be out of their reach.  Great Grammie Sammie gives them ‘the look’  and they generally leave her alone but I call them away when they are too interested in her and the poor old girly can’t potty in peace.  Fortunately, she can also still escape through the dog door.

Interestingly (at least to me), while they sound horribly vicious at times when they are playing with one another, they never make those sounds playing with their parents.  They’ll bark and I’ve heard more than one do the hound dog woo woo woo that their Grand Mater Gator does sometimes.  As you might’ve guessed, it’s really cute

When we went outside today, there were hawks flying around screaming. All 3 big dogs were out, too but I still went all around waving my arms and screaming back at the them to go away.  Eventually, I didn’t hear them any more but I don’t trust that they aren’t either being quiet or just perching to watch.  So unless the babies are sleeping in the playhouse with the door blocked closed, I go out with them.

I left the rainwater in the bottom of the varikennel crate and they’ve played in and out of it over and over.  If it doesn’t get too much colder, I’ll put some water in one of the pools they were in as tiny babies (just a few weeks ago but it seems like a long time).  They run around carrying things that seem surprisingly large to me (they are large compared to the puppies) but they have no problems with it - unless they are tackled by another puppy.

I re-rearranged their pen a little while they were safely enscconced in the playhouse for naptime.  Since they are starting to eat dry kibble peices a little better, I should be able to use the Treat N Train to encourage them to move more quickly into the pen from outisde.  That’s always an exciting time.  

Since they’re eating some dry food now too, after their milky dessert I’ve been leaving water out for them.  I can hear them every now and then getting a drink.  It’s a lot different than when they all push in together at mealtimes as if I’ve been starving them since birth (obviously not by the size of the piles of poop - all in the right area since one pottied on the deck Saturday)

They’ve been sleeping pretty hard all evening, they played a little after dinner and I’m sure they’ll have another rousing session after midnight snack but it’s usually pretty short.  If anyone is still at it when I sing the 3 songs and turn off the lights, that stops it.  Such good puppies to go Nighty, nighty, nighty.  Puppy breath to all y’all

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