Friday, November 6, 2020

11/06/20 Pupdate

Oh my goodness, we are ALL tired!  I didn’t go back to sleep after feeding the puppies breakfast because their Aunties/Grandmas were coming this afternoon so I had to get ready.

New things I’ve noticed:  when the big dogs sound the alarm (generally at things like deer going through the yard), the puppies retreat to the back of the pen.  Smart puppies

They are starting to play bitey mouth in a much more coordinated manner and for longer periods of time.

They had a nice playtime after breakfast and then a big nap.  They are all adorable but how cute is this? 


Very adorable - and worth the poop I stepped in and tracked through the pen (in my bare feet!) as I hurried to try to get photos/video.  Their mama was outside pottying or she’d have had that cleaned that up. Fortunately, I keep cleaning supplies in the pen and then I went to properly wash (all the skin off of) my feet.

They napped while I cleaned the floor (they seem to pay no attention to the vacuum or the steam mop) and then I secured the deck a little better so we’d be ready for a visit.  As the visitors approached, I took the puppies outside (and I closed them into the playhouse until I all were outside).  After I opened the door, they came gamboling out to explore.  We’d been out there a few minutes when Aunt/Grandma Cindi and Aunt/Grandma LeAnne arrived.

Since it was lunchtime, the puppies had a picnic.  I’d prepped their dish (they are now fine with the large flying saucer.  I really need to weigh them because they seem to be much larger) but them feed tehm so they don’t only expect it from me.  They ate pretty quickly and had a little milky rice cereal dessert, too.  

Then their Grandma Bela came in to meet them.  They were quite interested in her and their Mama was very happy to see her Mama, too!  We hadn’t seen B since before they were born (she kept getting quarantined from babies) and I’ve missed her.  She seemed pretty happy to be here, too!  We all played outside for a few more minutes and then we brought the puppies inside the house.  They can all get in the door but the big dogs kept going back and forth (to see the human who was bringing up the rear because we don’t leave a puppy outside alone) so it wasn’t the most orderly procession.  Eventually, they were all safely ensconced in their area and settled in for a rest.

The big dogs (except Bela and she was so VERY NOT PLEASED about that turn of events) then went for a mini-romp while Cindi and I tackled the first stab at little lion butts.  I don’t think there is anything cuter than little bitty lion trim butts and tired puppies are pretty cooperative.  There was a little chewing on my fingers as entertainment and I had to hold them in various positions so that we could sort of do it. It is by no means a show groom but we still took a lot of hair off for them to be so little!

By the time we were finished, the big dogs were back so I went to give them showers.  Phoebe is excited to go but she is impatient to return to her puppies afterward so she was first (usually Deja is first) and released while I worked my way through the others then Cindi brought B in and I bathed B her.  For those of you playing along at home, we are up to 5 PWD showers at this point but only one in show coat (the others are all lazy lions)

After a few minutes to rest (me) and wait for them to wake (the puppies), we took them outside again and afterthey ran around a few minutes, I gave them their first baths.  Since they are ‘small’, first baths are in the laundry sink.  Every puppy settled right in to the nice warm water and nobody fussed during the final stage of rinsing when I run the stream over their head and face.  Each puppy was wrapped up in a nice big towel and cuddled (this part is as much for us as them).

The MSU helped with cuddling until we finished up (I was bathing and Cindi was watching the puppies who were in the queue but still gamboling around) and then he gave my his 2 puppies (I had 3, Cindi and LeAnne each had 2 until Cindi had to give one of hers to LeAnne because Bela was bound and determined to get on the ottobenbed.). There’s not a whole lot nicer than cuddling freshly bathed puppies (lavender baby shampoo and puppy breath is quite the heady combination).  Then he fired some gunshots for us.  The puppie were completely sacked out so they didn’t seem to take notice but that’s how we like it - positive or neutral associations with loud/weird occurrences.

I thought they were going to sleep through dinner time but they woke when I brought the dish into the pen and had a nice dinner and an abbreviated play session and went back to sleep.  They’ve had a few breaks from sleeping but mostly just to go to the potty area and then give a sibling a cursory bite or two before going back to sleep.  It sounds like a good idea to me, too so I’m going to prep for the midnight snack and be ready to go nighty, nighty, nighty.  Puppy breath to all.

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